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SS Issues

bmartinez's picture

So I have been married for almost 3 years, we both have 5yo from our previous relationships. I have my daughter every day and then she leaves with her father every other weekend from Friday - Sunday night. I used to have her every weekend but since her dad started being part of her life again, I have allowed for her to visit him on rotating weekends. My DH has his son every other weekend, because he has 2 jobs and typically is only off every other weekend. We have no issues with that. There has been acouple occasions where my DH leaves work early and picks up his son and everything is fine. We both have a 1yo and he sees him only on the weekends because he works all day from 9am - 1am. Anyway, my DH is always making time to see his son (SS) but I feel like for our 1yo he doesn't really put too much effort to take time off for him or anything like that. 

On Friday (07/03) we both are off works, so we wont work at all. We had his son last weekend from Friday - Sunday night and typically he works on the weekends he doesnt have him. But I was really looking forward to being with DH and our son ONLY this Friday because he works on Saturday, and he has now said he is brining his son over again. This made me very upset. I feel like any little time he has availible he makes it for SS. I am really getting tired of it and I explained to him that honeslty I dont know how long I can be putting up with this. I am honestly getting really tired that we have no time for ourselves and the little time we have he brings his child along. I dont mind when its our weekend with our kids but when we have the weekend without our kids I would like us to focus on our 1yo and that is never the case. Is this wrong of me? I try to be understanding but I just feel such anger towards this I cant help it. 


BethAnne's picture

Does he have to work 9am - 1am and every other weekend??? That is a crazy schedule. Is there any way that he could reduce his hours to prioritize family and relationship time?


shamds's picture

That if he wanted to disappear a whole weekend day with his 3 skids aged 24, 22 and 14.5, that he better be available a whole weekend day actively being with our kids. Playing on your iPhone, sleeping while our kids are watching tv entertaining themselves doesn’t count... things changed much more.

my husband often has work trips and no skids follow. Thats our sexy time to destress.

tog redux's picture

I can see why he might feel he sees more of you and DS, since he lives with you, and presumably sees you in the morning before work - but that's not the same as having some free time together.  Will he listen to reason and agree to have at least a day here and there for you and DS?

Also, a 16 hour day, 7 days a week is grueling and bound to take a toll on his health - does he need to work so much? Is he doing it so you can stay home with your son?

bmartinez's picture

To be honest, if I really know the true motives of why he works so much. At the beggining of January when he got the second job it was because we where in financial truggles a little but not we are out of them so I am unsure of why he continues to work 2 jobs. I have asked him to leave the second job but he wont. And I feel like even if he did the second job that would just be a free pass to have his son every day after work. Which frankly is kind of draining. I dont mind his son on our regular weekends and onece or 2 during the week but every day after work its a lot for us (me and my husband) he just ignores it.