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biomomof1's picture

So I have a SS6 and a Bio son2. and my SS is always angry at the world when I talk to him I have had him since he was 8 months old.... BM is evil and Im pretty sure she talks bad about me all the time he always comes home talking so mean to me... and his dad (my husband) always says just don't let it bother you like really can we please fix the problem where it starts I know my ss isn't the one being just hateful its his bm teaching him things we have him all the time and she gets him everyother weekend.... and my husband always says I treat my son different which I don't just they have a little bit of an age gap so I treat them like they are 6 and 2 my ss will shot my bio son with nerf guns and then lie about it and will eventually tell the truth and I get onto him but my husband will say well he told the truth like really ppl.... and if I make a parental decision im questioned to y I made that choice please I need insight...


biomomof1's picture

you are correct we have had primary custody for pretty much his whole life and BM always acts like she is mother of the year like really.... she has guys in and out of his life so he never knows what's happening... and i don't treat them any different I love both of my children..... and we have tried to talk to her w/o ss around thru txt and she always has and excuse she is a liar manipulative b****..... she always tells him well you know me and DH use to be BF and GF like really he was 3 at the time and he always says the hateful things when its just me and him never around his dad.... and I have tried letting dh do all the being a parent but then he gets mad at me like I did something wrong ... so I just tell him to tell me how he wants me to raise his son and I will do it but hes not going to hurt the little one I always ask y he is mean to his brother and he always says well he was being mean to me so we just separate them to the best we can..... and a lot of the time I wish she would just disappear bc life would be easier after the initial shock of her leaving us alone bc in all reality she just wants to be back w/ DH anyways....

and thank you for your advice