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Craziest dream -- but very symbolic!

belleboudeuse's picture

Okay, lately I've been having a lot of dreams about... poop.

(I promise, there's a point to this.)

Yes, poop. Dreams where I'm trying to navigate my way through public bathrooms where the toilets are overflowing with giant, steaming piles of poo that are falling out onto the floor, everywhere. The stench is horrifying and it's absolutely disgusting.

So, last night I have another one of these dreams. I'm in this private country club that's supposed to be really exclusive (I'm not sure why I'm there because I'm not a member). So I have to go to the bathroom, so I go in, and it's a giant bathroom/locker room filled with steaming piles, toilets overflowing, etc. I'm horrified. I keep walking through the locker room past the shower stalls -- and even in the shower stalls, I see that in every one, some woman has taken a giant dump right next to the drain! Ugh! And it's all over the floors, too, so I'm trying to walk through without stepping in anything.

I look over and there's another woman, trying to negotiate her way through this stuff, too. But she steps into one of the piles, and she's wearing sandals, so it gooshes through her toes, and she starts screaming. I look at it, and I all of a sudden start to gag, and am trying not to throw up. I think, "What the hell is with all these women, leaving their shit everywhere for someone else to clean up?!!!?"

I wake up. I think, "Why in the hell have I been having these dreams?" My mind goes back to the nightmare and how awful it is, and how completely trapped and desperate to get out I felt. And then, suddenly, I think... BM. Bowel Movement. Biomom. An exclusive club, that I don't belong to. Where the women leave a trail of shit behind them and expect other people to deal with it. And I'm trying to pick my way through it without losing my lunch.

I am not kidding. This dream is my life. Some other woman keeps leaving giant steaming piles of sh*t in my path. That I have to walk around or clean up. Every. Single. Day.


soverysad's picture

Nice. I'm so glad I am not expected to clean up Wingnut's poop.

"A pessimist complains about the wind, an optimist counts on the wind changing, a realist adjusts his sails"

Most Evil's picture

OMG - that is such a great interpretation!! I feel for you and agree completely! HUGS
“Learn by practice.” - Martha Graham

LizzieA's picture

Whoa. Wild dream. I had one where you had to "go" down pipes, no bowls. All the toilets were broken. It was strange, too.

Selkie's picture

Wow. How very insightful of you! And what a shitty way for your subconscious to get the point across (pun intended). Yuck. Hopefully you'll stop having these dreams now that you know what they're about.

belleboudeuse's picture

Yeah, that's what I'm hoping, too, Selkie. Those dreams are GROSS!!!! :sick:


You are not second best, you are not second class. Do not ever let anyone make you feel that way. - 2BLoved

Smonster's picture

Some other woman keeps leaving giant steaming piles of sh*t in my path. That I have to walk around or clean up. Every. Single. Day.

Thank God I'm not having THAT dream, but same here with the big pile of shit i.e. BM. She's threatening "to take DH to court" AGAIN for the ninety millioneth time. Don't even know why but oooooooo we are scared. She is just a nasty loser, trying to make everyone's lives as miserable as hers.