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Getting real tired of SD's obnoxious attitude

attempting_to_maintain_composure's picture

It really cheeses me off the way GUBM and SD play SO for a fool. SD only contacts him to get what she wants out of him, but it isn't surprising because that's exactly what GUBM does.

SO initiated a convo with me tonight about the fiasco last week (see previous post) and all it did was leave me pissy. Granted, I gave him the go ahead" when he asked if we could talk about it, so, I only have myself to blame for my mood. But, whatever. Apparently, SD texted him at 1:00AM last night to show him her new hair color - turquoise and lord knows what other colors because it was an awful cell phone pic and I barely wanted to look at it with the smug look she had on her face.

SO called her today to find out why she was awake at 1:00AM on a school night and she lied to him. She told him they didn't have school today for President's day, but, according to the website for her school, nope. She had off half of last week up until Monday (meaning she could have come out to visit SO for a long weekend), but she had school today. So, she lied to him. Awesome.

At this point, I'm really hoping that she never moves in here because I cannot stand the way she's been behaving. She was obnoxious when I first met her and now she's a lying little brat who thinks she's a gift to the world. Ugh. GUBM 2.0.

ETA: see? I'm still so pissy that I completely derailed from the original post. But, all it was is that SD texted him at 1, he hasn't talked to GUBM yet, but, he has a plan in case she is planning on uprooting SD yet again. And a back up plan. And a back up back up plan.

ETA 2: SO is fuming right now over this. When he talked to SD earlier, GUBM was with her (they were in the car going...somewhere, who the hell knows) so he now has another plan because he does not trust their word anymore at this point. He's placing responsibility squarely on GUBM - either she's complicit in SD's lying for saying NOTHING when she lied to SO on the phone, or, she's complicit in SD's lying because she told her that she didn't have school today.

So, before he confronts either one of them, he's going to call SD's school tomorrow to make sure she's still enrolled there or to check if she was ever enrolled there at all. We already know that SD had school today because both her school's calendar and the district calendar verified that she was supposed to be there. And, he's checking about enrollment because, if you read my post from last week, SD dropped the hint that GUBM was considering home schooling her. SO thinks that GUBM might have taken her out of school already or that she may have never enrolled her at all.

Then, he'll take it from there, somehow. Ugh. So much drama from two individuals who behave like pathetic garbage (not really surprised, just. ugh).


attempting_to_maintain_composure's picture

Hahaha, and it would be totally plausible since I already have tons of other allergies. And there was already an allergy incident with SD last summer... SD had this awful Ed Hardy cologne and body wash set that I really am allergic to (get headaches when I smell it, which I've equated to my sinuses screaming bloody murder). I think it would be a believable progression to say that my allergy was really to SD, and it has now progressed from sinus irritation to severe vomit-inducing headaches, haha.

Although, I will say, the hilarious part about SD coloring her hair is that whoever does it has NO IDEA how to deal with curly hair, and SD has very tight ringlet curls. So, she ends up looking like a bad dollar store clown wig; too many colors, frizz and damage everywhere. Oh well ^_^