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Update on BM, email DH sent

anita...sigh's picture

For those who have been following, DH finally sent his email to BM. Of course, its been three days and she hasn't bothered to anser


I see that SD14 has missed over 3 weeks in a row from school. I hope
you have made sure she has acquired the necessary homework to keep up
with her schooling. Did she see a doctor during this time and has the
school been informed accordingly? This length of absence without proper
notice can work against her future education plans.
SD17 tells me she is up to grade 11 work at school. Since she isn’t
staying there very often how do you make sure she is getting to school
when she should? Do you allow her to stay at her boyfriend’s house, or
maybe you Ex thinks it okay. She doesn’t seem to be getting much from you
in clothes either. The money I pay you has to cover that.
A week ago you dropped-off SD19's dog, Milo, at our house with no
phone call to tell us this was happening. You opened the front door,
unannounced, and put Milo into a house with no regard to our privacy or
the dogs well being. We could have been out of town, leaving the dog to
fend for himself. There could have been a dog in the house that could
have hurt Milo. We may have been out of town for 3 days and the dog may
have had no food. You had no idea of these possibilities and should never
have opened the front door without permission. Had you knocked on the
door you would have found out that someone was home
SD19 was doing well here, with a fair amount of supervision for grandson
and we were doing our best to help SD19 cope with being a mother. With
no phone call or any communication with us you decided that she would be
better off at your Ex's house. SD19 yearned for the freedom to have
friends overnight, which we didn’t allow, making her choice seemingly
easy. To accept this situation you must have known that she had a dog.
It’s is not our dog, it is SD19's dog. Do not ever come to my house
unannounced in the future if this is how you deal with your daughter’s
problems. Maybe you should learn to knock on closed doors before you
enter someone’s house.
I will require an explanation, and so does the school, whenever SD14
misses classes. I asked her 5 days ago and she refused to give me an
If you continue to say that SD14 lives with you, please be more
responsible about getting her to school in the morning. She always got
off to school in the morning when she lived here. I am very concerned
about her school year, as a father would be.
As always, this information in this email is for you to deal with, not to
show to the kids as you have in the past.

I think he did good. I, of course, would have thrown the Court Order at her, but of well. Still proud of him.


Stick's picture

Good luck with this Anita. I feel for you and for those poor kids, who are under the sway of an extremely unstable woman! Your H did a really good job with the letter. The only other thing he could have done is cc'd the court or attorney on the email, so that she knows he means business! Whatever he does, please make sure he keeps track of all of the correspondence as it sounds like he might need it in the future. Do you want SD 14 to come live with you? What happened with SD19? Did she actually move in with the BMex? God help these kids... Stay strong - it sounds like your H is getting sick of BM stupidity so I'm guessing the more this goes along the easier it will be for him to throw the court order at her!

anita...sigh's picture

We would take SD14 in but she won't even talk to us. These kids have been subjected to extreme PAS.

She abondoned all the kids at her ex's house and she moved in with her female lover. Really buggered up the kids, but because of BM they will not talk or confide in us. We are paying $1,600 per month child support plus back pay from when the she convinced the kids to refuse to come here for 50/50 custody. The two times we went to mediation, she managed to convince the Judge (Mediator) that the kids were only staying temporarily at her ex's house until she had rooms built for them and alternatively, to cover all her basis, she stated she's keeping a "room" at her ex's house.

SD19 actually did move in with BM's ex and from the sounds of it the yelling, screaming, fighting is still going on. We've heard complaints from SD19 but no signs that she is thinking of moving back out. Honestly, SD19 and grandson require a lot of supervision as SD19 is mentally unfit. I love her to death and she's a real sweetheart at times.

Very frustrating situation. Your right, I think I will suggest to DH that he send a copy of his email to her attorney. We are too broke to even consider obtaining a lawyer.


We all smile in the same language

Rags's picture

I would call CPS and the Truant Officer immediately on SD14 and on BM. I don't know where you live but many states hold the Parent(s) accountable if the kid does not go to school. If BM is the CP then she should be held accountable for your Skids school attendance and truancy.

Let the courts motivate her and place her where she can be best supported in her educational efforts and growth to adulthood.

Stupid people piss me off and your Skid's BM definitely qualifies.

Best regards,

Anon2009's picture

I can totally relate. My DH was paying BM $1500 a month for two kids and in turn, subjected them to PAS.

I agree with Stick and Rags that you a) have your DH cc his attorney in any future emails with BM, b) have him send a copy of this email to his attorney, c) call the truant officer on SD14 and BM, and call CPS on BM.

As to SD14 and SD17, do you know where they're going to school? Does your DH have joint legal custody? If so, he should fax the school a copy of the court order/parenting plan and ask them for information- the kids' attendance records, grades, etc. He might have to do this a few times before they actually do it but he needs to not let up and continue to politely request information from them until they give it to him.

As for SD19, have you guys ever considered going for custody of her son, or adopting him?

anita...sigh's picture

We considered it but we are getting too old and too close to retirement to take on the responsibility of raising a youngum, although we do love him very much. Not to mention it will attach us to the pysco exwife until hell freezes over. I don't think I have that sort of energy anymore. We are hoping someone will see the light of day and propose a possible open adoption which we would feel would be best.

I'm from BC, Canada and not to sure about truancy laws but I admit, my curiousity is up there on that one.

We all smile in the same language

Anon2009's picture

if they could go for custody of your grandson? That way, you can still see him often and have the peace of mind of knowing he's well taken care of. I think that if you wait for someone to "see the light of day," you'll be waiting for a long, long time. Is your grandson's dad involved in his life? Is he aware of this situation, and would he (or someone in his family) consider going for full custody of the baby? If your grandson's dad is in the picture, then I definitely think you should alert him and his family as to what's going on with BM, SD19, SD17 and SD14 and how you don't want your grandson growing up in that toxic environment, and try to work something out. Even if his dad isn't involved, if his family is, you should still talk to them.

Also, if you got custody of your grandson, it doesn't mean you'd have to deal with BM forever. If you document everything, you could get a court order that requires her to stay away from your grandson.

anita...sigh's picture

Grandson's father is as messed up as SD19 and his family is even worse. All of his sisters have lost custody of their children.

Unfortunately, there are no other relatives around with whom we could place Grandson. Open adoption is a possibility I think. He's two, cute as hell, and sooooo smart. With an open adoption we can still see him, visit him, take him on vacation, etc.

Getting a court order to keep BM away is useless. She has no boundaries and no conscience. She routinely breaks court orders already and I've had a restraining order on her in the past. I'm not kidding when I say this woman is pyscho and I wouldn't be surprised if we made a move for the grandson, she would come after me or DH or my kids (Yes, she's threatened in the past to hurt my kids "I know where live"!!!) She's a very scarey person and I don't trust her.

We all smile in the same language