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Bad Bad Summer so Far and its not the Skids.

anita...sigh's picture

I'm so burnt out I can barely stand. My mother, on July 1, became so ill she went into respitory failure and spent 7 days on a ventilator and had a small heart attack. My sister and I live in small northern communities and had to basically ambulance chase all over the province. Thank God she surived.

My youngest DD15 has been causing nothing but trouble. Confiscated her cell phone and discovered a titty pic she took of herself and emailed to a boy. I had the police track down the boy's mother. EH, DD15 and myself met with pediatrician and he has diagnosed bipolar type 2 with adhd and anxiety. She will be meeting with a child pyschiatrist next week.

We have placed her at her father's house in an even smaller community where she has no access to anything. Neither community is ideal but my DH has the ability to transfer to another larger centre that has schools more appropriate to her needs. I don't want to move DD17 from her current school because she is excelling there and is lining up pretty good for scholarships.

DH and I worked out a plan where I move ahead of him (I have 2 sisters and a brother in the larger centre, more support for me) with my mother (closer to large medical facility) and better school (for DD15) and DH and DD17 will remain behing until she finishes school then he will transfer.

The reason this would work so well is DH is a train engineer and spends time in the larger centre anyways.

So much on my plate right now. Sigh.


Jsmom's picture

I suspect the SD14 is bipolar since her grandma has it. But, I was tod by DH from BM that they can't diagnose it yet. She is too young. I am glad you got a diagnosis, that seems to be half the battle wth these precocious teens.