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anapr's picture

Have any of you been over to that site for help/information? I've asked for help in the past and was attacked by the "volunteers" for being an SM and asking for legal advice.

Wondering if any of you experienced something similar?


Ex4life's picture

Yea, I've been there several times. While they don't exactly always have the best manners. The LEGAL advice they give is usually right on. They most certainly do not like third parties asking questions. It makes no difference if you are the step parent, grandma, or a friend of the party, they do not like others asking questions. Right or wrong thats the way they have been for some time.

simifan's picture

Yes I have, I actually lurk there often. I have to agree, their advise is spot on even without the manners. Though the do have a point, if the legal party won't even ask their own questions, it can't be that important to them.

queen-B's picture

I lurk there all the time, and have asked a few questions. You have to be EXTREMELY careful on how you couch things in that forum as an SM, because they are truly coming at it from a legal perspective. As crappy as it may be, SM's can cause bio-dads a whole heck of a lot of trouble in court if they don't stay in the background. The freeadvice folks hammer SM's hard if they in any way could negatively impact a bio-dad in court. Common caring and decency can be played by a practiced attorney as overstepping and invasive...damaging to the child(ren). Lawyers suck, it sucks, court sucks, but that's the angle they play over there.

If you're going to ask a question there, make sure you can justify needing to know as an SM. For me, I was looking to take my FDH and kids to visit my dad with me out of state. I asked if I could be causing problems encouraging dad to take the kids across state lines, and I got excellent advice. But my question was limited to the impact of my actions on dad's legal status, and the kids. I didn't ask how to win in court, or any other question that could be perceived by a judge as the SM trying to take the reigns of the family from the hands of the legal parent. I also didn't slam the mother in any way, shape, or form. An SM slamming a BM in court could really make the bio dad look bad, and even lose him time with his kids.