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Speaking of CS

I'm I the only weirdo that has played around with a spreadsheet and done calculations "If CS doesn't increase/change, we pay this much per month x however many months/years" come to the lump sum and then make mini goal/celebrations aro ...

ICanMakeIt - 05/01/2023 - 12:17pm - 24 comments


Blended Family Issues Hi, all. New guy here. Looks like a great forum. As a soon-to-be stepdad, I'm bringing experience from being a teen stepkid, and trying to: 1) Don't screw it up. 2) Do things right. Ha, SO much easier to say than it is to d ...

Java_Junkie - 02/07/2017 - 7:49am - 25 comments

10 Steps to a Blended Family

Dear prospective Step-Parent, Glad you found this site. Inside you will get a small glimpse into many different families’ lives and how they handle the challenge known as “blending a family”. Some on here do it successfully, some not so much, but by these ...

ohiodad - 09/21/2015 - 12:49pm - 90 comments

Help- I don't like my step I a bad person?

Blended Family Issues I thought that after 5 years of being a step mum I would find a way to bond with my two step kids (boy 13 and girl 10), but it just gets harder and harder. It certainly doesn't help that I am older than my husband and my bio kid ...

Reluctant Step Mum - 07/21/2009 - 5:47am - 330 comments
