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Therapist sent an email...

Jsmom's picture

Therapist finally seems to have seen SD14 and sent an email to DH. She indicated that SD14 was very angry and she would like DH to meet with her and SD so she can vent her feelings to DH. Also, indicated it may be nice for SM (me) to go as well. DH showed me the email and said he told her No, that he was not interested in taking another beating from SD and now the therapist. If they wanted to discuss next steps on a relationship, he would be willing. But, he is not going to continue to perpetuate this unjustified anger with SD.

O/T anyone else with christmas blues?

thenewwife's picture

I really want to be excited about christmas this year, it's my son's first christmas he will have santa presents and be excited about presents. I'm excited to see him open his presents and all, but I can't shake the Christmas blues this year. My sister past away earlier this year at 20 and it's really put a damper on my christmas spirit honestly with everything that has happend this year (it has been a very awful year) I just want christmas and the holidays to be over.

Cleaning for the skid visit

ddakan's picture


Ya because DH wants the house to look nice for the brats. The good thing is, it pisses BM (suck bucket) off that the kids still like us. Well they like DH, anyway. I'm beyond caring if they do or don't like me. Yea, well it saves kindess I could give to someone who would actually appreciate it!!

So off to vacuum and mop the kitchen. Oh fun!


jtmommy's picture

So this is my first time on here. My MIL is crazy and not crazy about me. She is known in our family to be a trouble maker and an instigator. We have only met twice. She was very nice the first time and even threw my baby shower. However talk of the ex came up and became a bit of a gossip fest. I got an ear full and she was not a fan. On her next visit they were best friends again. She hugged her when she came to pick up my step son and even said she wanted to go visit her family, how great she looked, etc. I was surprised by the exchange.

A Reason for a Season

Francesca's picture

As I was reading some posts this morning, I had a realization. There is a reason why these BM's are EXES, and we are the SO or Wife. It is not a coincidence that we think these guys are pretty good guys, and the EXES try all sorts of tricks and tortures to get them back, or to get back at them for leaving. So, maybe we can get a little humor from the fact that they continue to show what morons they really are, just enforcing our wonderfulness.


GAG ME!! SD showed up with pics of my bf and BM. I'm sick of BM's games!

overit2's picture

OH MY of course having FSD the last couple days around has been trying of usual she displays selfish behavior w/my son-refuses to share then insists he shares with her.

Yesterday I had a stressful day...went out shopping w/my boys for a few hours-then came home, left them w/the bf and took SD out shopping again -I had a couple things to get and she had some gift cards from her bday she wanted to get some outfits with-that's cool-figured it be a nice girl bonding time.

BM's Facebook status helps her to play the victim during the holidays

SteppingUp's picture

Just checked out BM's Facebook to see if she has anything up about the holidays. To recap, she VOLUNTARILY gave up both of her kids to the dads (my DF and her daughter's bio dad). She is supposed to have them Christmas Eve according to stipulation and certainly could have, but she told us to take SS3 the whole weekend, from tonight through Sunday. Same is happening with SS3's older sister, SD5.

Biting my facebook tongue

Steamed's picture

I so wanted to respond to SS22's facebook post, he was complaining about the fact that he doesn't have a girlfriend...., saying it's so hard for great guys to find a good girlfriend....gag me

How can he even think that he has anything to offer when he is fresh out of jail (3rd time), sleeping on my couch, about to get his butt kicked out of my house, and doesn't have a dime to his name except for what he has mooched off of us. What's he gonna say, "c'mon back to my place, we can share the couch" lol.

I cannot understand the way he thinks...

I hate this feeling....

mom23ms's picture

I really hate myself for not liking BF's kids. But I don't know what these kids think. They steal from me, they lie, they are disresectful. I do more for them then their own mother. I do and give to them exactly as much as my own bio kids. It always bites me in the hinney. These girls claim to love me so much and they want me around but then they turn around and steal from me or lie. They have never been disciplined.
