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The sad truth.

panda's picture

We have been having problems with SS getting in trouble at school ever since kindergarten, but more so this year. Hubby was talking to him about it and basically SS said that he doesn't think that we should discipline him because we should not tell him what to do, he should be allowed to do whatever he likes, because his mother doesn't ever tell him what to do and he is never disciplined at her house.

I just think that it won't be long before he goes to live with her and she can ruin him for good. Sad, really.

i think BM is Bi-Polar!

belle_27's picture

mmmm ok, BM went pyscho at my partner over the weekend as she had booked an eye appointment on OUR weekend, but i was driving my partner to go and get his car picked up but it wasn’t ready, so i dropped him off and was driving SD home. Then got a called and asked if i could drop her at BM place because she is going nuts about being late for the eye appointment, but i was 10mins early dropping her off!

Summer and guilt....

smiles gone's picture

I have posted before, but erased them as my hd takes my phone every once in a while, didn't want him logging in and then war would start again.
I am Bm of a 5 yr old boy, stepmom to 12yr old girl. Been married 2 times, first time 13yrs, my son was born. Got divorced, remarried, have been married almost 3 yrs.

Having a Rough Patch & FSD3 isn't helping...

Miss Know It All's picture

Disclaimer: I've had 3 hours' sleep today and it was a rough week at work. While I'm glad for sound relationship advice, please, please, please don't tell me to cut and run. I've already ruled that out for the time being and I've never been a big believer in burning before pillaging.


ksmom4's picture

My DH and I filed paperwork to either stop BM from moving the Skids again or she can move and we would get custody with her having visitation. Seems simple to me. Wrong! I should have known that this wasn't going to be easy. All we wanted for the skids was a stable home where they didn't have to keep starting over. If she can provide that then great but she moves homes and schools every couple of years. Everytime they move they I can see a change in them. Everytime she takes us to court its for more money and then she always throws it in my face that she doesn't need DH's money.

Speaking of wills and stepkids...

Tx mommy of 3's picture

Dh's stepdad passed. He had been sick for a while. He was with mil for 5 years so dh didn't really consider him a stepdad....until now. Whatever. And my stepFIL's kids have shown their true stepkid entitlement issues to my mil. They have been hounding mil for things since his passing. Stepfil has been with mil for 5 years and I barely met his kids this year because they never came around! It was sad really. He always asked to see his kids and grandkids but they rarely came around. When he and mil would try to visit, his kids would rush him out.

Didn't Go To Family Cookout Today

NewBeginning's picture

Last week was my DH's birthday..I took him out to dinner and a movie and spent some quality time with him. It was a really nice weekend for us.

DH informs me yesterday that his daughter - who I utterly detest - was having a 'birthday' cookout for him today. It included every last member of his family including grandchildren. DH knows how I feel about his daughter. I'd rather pull my own teeth out of my head than be any where near her. I've never been to her and her husband's apartment nor do I care to.
