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Clothing for EOW SKids

seekingpatience's picture

I was just wondering... How many pairs of shoes and jeans and outfits, pjs and such do skids need when they are only at your house every other weekend? my skid's dresser is overflowing with jeans, shorts, tee shirts, tank tops, pjs, belts, hats, sweatshirts, etc. he is 8 and only with us EOW. dont even get me started on how many different kinds of shoes the kid has hanging around the house....

GhostWhoCooksDinner's picture

Just a few changes of clothing, appropriate for each season, should be fine. An entire wardrobe is a waste if your skid is only there four days a month. He'll outgrow the clothes before he wears them. It might be time to bag some things up and donate them to a charity that will be able to actually use them. (Or, if you're on good terms with the BM, send them to her so the kid can get some use out of them).

seekingpatience's picture

yes we also have a room absolutely full of toys... also the garage, he has like 4 different things to ride.. i guess i wouldnt mind so much if it was kept clean but everything is overflowing and a big mess (toys and clothes). even when i try to clean and organize it, the next time he comes over its a huge disaster again and he "cleans" but it still looks like a pigstye and DH doesnt care. all for 4 days a month. seems like such a waste to me!

he has like 8 pairs of pjs alone, probably 6-8 pairs of shorts, probably as many jeans, dozens! of shirts plus probably 6 or more sweatshirts, at least five hats (more if you count winter gear), a few belts, at least 6 pairs of shoes (theres prob more actually). what the heck for???

i know if i mentioned it do DH he would be mad. i understand he wants his son to feel like its his home and he has stuff. but at what point is enough enough.. for 4 days a month......

viv4's picture

I would just take some of it to goodwill from time to time. The stuff that isn't being used. Would either of them notice? If so, maybe hire a cleaning service to sort through it and get rid of some of it. Give everyone full warning. Then you could say, "Oh my, the cleaning crew must have thought it was junk because it was all over the floor. I am sorry"

Then I would close the doors on the rooms that have all this stuff and pretend it is not part of my house. for 4 days, you can stand to look at it....

viv4's picture

I would just take some of it to goodwill from time to time. The stuff that isn't being used. Would either of them notice? If so, maybe hire a cleaning service to sort through it and get rid of some of it. Give everyone full warning. Then you could say, "Oh my, the cleaning crew must have thought it was junk because it was all over the floor. I am sorry"

Then I would close the doors on the rooms that have all this stuff and pretend it is not part of my house. for 4 days, you can stand to look at it....