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one day back house is a ducking mess

Mentalgirl48's picture

Shit needs done. Dishes left with gnats flying around them..dresser still not carried upstairs by him and boys as living room taken over by two video consoles hooked up to my TV. took dropped fat boy off at concert WI his girlfriend and fat has soon to be 18 year old with him.
Th went over dad's friend's house to hang out.
This shits going to stop right now.I left the house in a rage and told him he better get home to clean up the mess he and the boys left. I feel murderous

Dizzy's picture

I would be too. Just breathe and take some time to do something you enjoy to take your mind off of it.

Orange County Ca's picture

Don't breath. Continue the rage and stand over them when they get home until all this stuff is done. Make life so miserable they'll decide living under a bridge is preferable.