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SD34 Mini Wife

CVA4Sure's picture

I have no children of my own, married 5 yrs to DH who is totally enmeshed w SD34. I have been thru much of what I see here in the forums, i.e., contributed my money to her wedding but was excluded from photos, go to her home see photos of her BM and my DH together all over her house with one token photo of he and I on the back side of the fridge. SD34 texts her dad several times daily and calls him daily. I have successfully disengaged and protected my own mental health. Here's the thing: She married a man who is gaga over their baby girl and SD34 made some comment to me about her feeling 'replaced'!!! I replied, 'o she is just daddy's little girl.' And underneath it all I thought karma was finally happening. Now I feel terrible for feeling this way, bcuz I'm pretty sure SD34 doesn't feel bad about the way she's treated me. Thoughts?

depressedme's picture

100% relate to this my osd is exactly the same and I’m in process of splitting from dh. He runs around after herlike a lap dog while my needs have been ignored. These sds are even jealous of their own kids!! Run for the hills it won’t change!!

SacrificialLamb's picture

My OSD was also upset with her DH after she had a baby, because he went to work and she stayed home. There was no connection between him going to work and providing for the family in her mind. It was all her need to be the center of attention, since I believe she has histrionic personality disorder, the baby was now the center of attention, and the husband went to work and thus was not paying attention to her either.

After OSD complained about this for several years to DH, he now works very long hours, because who would want to go home to that whining?

SacrificialLamb's picture

But no, your SD34 does not feel bad about how she has treated you. She is too self-involved for remorse. Mine has done some really ridiculous things, but she is the one who is the victim.

You didn't mention your DH and if he has your back. Hopefully he does, and you are wise to stay away from this child in a woman's body.

fairyo's picture

Lamby is right- whatever you do will have no impact, she thrives on any kind of attention however negative it may seem to you, and however wise any advice you have to offer her may be. How do I know? I have an OSD who is just like this but she is out of my life- I haven't clapped eyes on her for eight months and it is great. The last time she saw me she gave me a kiss because it was obvious she knew how I felt, but I don't need a screwed up Judas in my life. You didn't make her that way- you can't mend her. Forget karma- get your own life back and stop even thinking about her...

sammigirl's picture

^^^THIS^^^I wasted years trying to be nice and have a Brady Bunch Family. Not any longer and I've been disengaged from SD57 and her family now for almost 9 years, totally disengaged for 5 years. I should have never engaged or gave my SD57 a moments thought from the beginning.

SD57 and DH always had and always will have a mental intimate relationship. Well, guess what? I don't even care any longer and now I don't even notice. In fact DH has not engaged near as much with SD57 since I threw up may hands and totally walked away. When you don't care any longer, it is easy. Good Luck.

Seriously.....follow Lamby and fairyo's advice.

fairyo's picture

Hi Sammi- how are you doing? Been thinking about you and hoping all's well with DH and his treatment.

sandye21's picture

If a person is self-centered they will justify anything. They will never say to themselves, "Gee! This must have been how SM felt when I was excluding her or tried to 'replace' her in my Father's life." That only happens in movies. No, somehow they will always find some excuse to say, "But THAT was different."

bedazzled's picture

^^^^^^^^^So Correct^^^^^^^^^^^^

Acratopotes's picture

Enjoy the feeling of Karma hitting OSD..... sit back, pop a cork, get some cheese and enjoy it.

I would be totally evil and say to Aergia, Well Hon, you know Mum never paid attention to you, and you turned out to be a Daddy's girl right, same is happening in your house, pay more attention to your little girl, spend every free moment with her, girls needs their mothers....

Hopefully she will take my advice and stop bugging us and stop being a Daddy's girl

soccermom830's picture

wow that's just crazy - but I've heard of it before - being jealous of your own child's attention received from so. I deal with this also. yeah it's karma alright. just ignore her - I'm sure she doesn't feel the slightest bad for treating you like she has. these sd's are just selfish, insecure people who don't care about anyone but the attention they can get for themselves it seems.