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The new generation

Newimprvmodel's picture

Sorry this is a bit off topic, but does anyone else feel that social media is creating a society that is going to hell in a hand basket? Just looked at my Facebook stream and was appalled to see a video of my sister in law with her 2 month old baby, saying " owwww, are you sh$&ing on momma again. That is the sound of John sh$&ting." Clearly nobody was liking it, jeez what will this baby' s vocabulary be like?
Btw she is married to my dh's brother, and I am sure if my dh saw it, even he would be stymied to be positive about it. Remember I live with the Saint who forgives everyone anything.

Teas83's picture

I agree. I deleted my Facebook account awhile ago because I can't stand some of the crap that people post.

still learning's picture

I'm in the "NO Facebook" club too. After leaving Facebook about 70% of the drama in my life ceased.

Newimprvmodel's picture

I remember the story of my ex mother in law. When her children were little, she had a baby sitter. One day her young daughter said she had to go potty. The baby sitter was gone after that. My ex in law Was a very proper school teacher.
If this was your daughter in law, would you comment on this? Because clearly just imagine what her vocab is like off screen.

Teas83's picture

So just to clarify, your ex-MIL didn't like her daughter using the phrase "go potty" when she had to use the bathroom? I hate that phrase as well. My husband uses it with DD3 because that's what he and BM used with SD when she was potty training. SD will still says it sometimes. I ALWAYS correct them and make sure DD tells us that she has to use the bathroom properly.

Newimprvmodel's picture

Lol. I hate it too! "Go potty" however is light years better "aw, did you shit in your pants"

ESMOD's picture

I am guilty in the dr. Office. I refuse to touch the germ ridden communal reading material. Haha

Buggy2's picture

I love Walmart, It makes me feel good about myself. Particularly, when I'm having a bad face, hair and body day. I will sit right there in the front and watch chubby women in daisy dukes with really gorgeous men. I sometimes I think to myself she has to be awesome in bed. Because he has to see what I see. My favorite are pajama with wife beater and the animal slipper. I usually feel better about myself after that.

notsobad's picture

I watch Hoarders and My 600 Lb Life when I want to feel better about myself!

I may have a lot of stuff but I don't have to crawl over it to get into the kitchen! And once I'm in the kitchen I don't feel bad about having that bag of chips!

AlreadyGone's picture

When people can't take a $hit without posting it on FB, Twitter, Snapchat, etc. I'd say we have a serious problem in this world! :O

Oh and please, what's with all the selfies????? Must be a lonely existence! }:)

I actually have co-workers who stand there with their heads buried in their phones, side by side. They're texting each other! Good Grief! You're standing right next to each other FFS! }:)

notsobad's picture

My niece just bought a $35K jeep that she can not afford but somehow got financed. It's all over FB and everyone is telling her how great it is and how she deserves it.
The people who know her in real life know she is going to be in some real trouble soon but hey on FB her life is Grand!!

My mom actually congratulated her on Winning it, LOL! She knows she can't afford it and thought she must have won it.

Buggy2's picture

i work with kids so i need to have Facebook, snachat, instagram, oovoo, and Some of them are really fun and some are really dangerous. If you looked on my pages all you would see are my dogs. I don't post anything about religion, politics, and I don't take pot shots at people I don't like. My personal belief is this if I can't say to your face I don't need to be saying it on social media. Just to damn old to being doing stupid stuff like. My mom wishes that I did't know how to be so honest. She still tells me words hurt.

notasm3's picture

What is it with the people who feel the need to profess their undying love for their partner/spouse on FB? Isn't that something you would do in person between the two of you? What is the need to broadcast to 800 "friends" that this is "the love of your life and your soulmate"?

Because quite often when I know these people IRL there is almost always some MAJOR drama going on in the relationship - separation, filing for divorce, secret DNA testing of the children, etc.

I actually like FB. I have lived all over the world, and it allows me to keep up with many people that I care about. And of course there's the fact that's how I met DH. But like anything it can be abused.

Snowflake's picture

I have an Facebook friend who posted last month that she separated from her husband. And now all she posts is pics of the new boyfriend.

This is someone who is extremely judhemental. I feel very sorry for her kids. She slams thier father while posting pics of her and new guy all the time. :O

NoSweat's picture

Hate Fakebook. Hate everything they stand for.
Feel great I am not on it. I'm too busy.
As for new generation, or whatever, it makes me feel old
to realize that they don't give a crap about anything they should!
No manners, entitled, socially deficient, etc. etc.

notasm3's picture

I will always have a soft spot in my heart for FB because that's how I met my husband. Smile

I've lived in many, many places so I sometimes lost track of a friend along the way when we were all moving. It's been nice to reconnect with people that I actually like and care about.

But I am so quick to "dispose" of the idiots. Unless I decide to keep them for comic relief. DH has a cousin who is a classic BM. She recently lost custody of her children - is not even allowed to be FB friends with them. I don't know the background story, but she moans and groans on FB all the time about how "wronged" she is. And that OMG she is expected to pay CS. She's true pig.