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YouTube chose this for me to see

EvilStepMom1977's picture


This just made me laugh.  The algorithms know me.

Rags's picture

That is tragically hilarious.  

 I laughed too.  Though the Hollywood version of Sparenting is not something I have ever seen personally or heard of anyone experiencing.  

shamds's picture

With the little kid flaunting their engagement ring, then natalie portman saying its not their daughters fault that richard (the father) has kids..

buratinos's picture

I laughed a lot. I was impressed with how this video was made because they showed the problems which have parents with their children in this short time. Moreover, I know that youtube promotes more the longest videos than the shortest. I, also, have a youtube channel, it was hard to increase the viewers and subscribers but I made it and now I make good money on it. If you want to create a channel, now is the time and everyone will find something for themselves. Now the most popular is the parents channel and if you are a good parent you can make it. They, can help you to increase your channel.

Jake's picture

I will be chuckling all day long grinnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn.

Thanks Jake