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sarcastic letter to dh

snowdrop's picture

How impressive you finally got your stupid out of shape ass out for a 15 minute jog today. How impressive! Thank you so much for proceeding to dominate the bathroom for the following hour for your bubble bath, because after that kind of strenuous exercise you ref need to relax your big masculine muscles. It was so nice of you to think to ask me if I had to pee or brush my teeth first. I love sharing one bathroom with you and three skids. I especially love it when your oldest takes a monster shit and can't be bothered to turn on the fan or close the door, and stinks up our whole f_in house. I really LOVE my life with you, so much so that I can't wait to get back to work tomorrow.

Ps. Thanks for coming out to dinner this weekend with (male friend, I used to date who was visiting from out of state for work). It was nice to remember how much I liked him and how I stopped dating him when I met you. Remember how we decided to be exclusive and stopped dating other people to date each other? Or at least that's what you said you did, lying to me while you continued to carry on with all those women... it was nice to see you and (male friend) together and to see what I gave up for you! Really who wants a guy like (male friend) anyway? I feel badly for his beautiful new wife, she's stuck with Childless, honest, smart (male friend), while I get sexy, honest, you; your kids; this little house AND our lovely budget. Mmm glad I chose to be so honest and committed to you back then!!! Dating and then marrying you was SUCH a great decision!

StickAFork's picture

I can't believe 5 of you share one bathroom!!

Is there any way you can install a pocket door to separate the shower/tub area from the toilet/sink area? Could make it more usable in the long run...
Also, try those motion sensor air fresheners. Someone goes in, it spritzes.

Can you turn off the hot water? }:)

stepmotherwhy's picture

Snowdrop I'm at my wits end too. dH snd I argued again this evening about piece of shit SS and I told DH I should have chosen one of the many childless men thst would have lOved to have me as their wife. I often cry thinking about how much of a better life I could have given myself if only I'd stayed with my ex...
These skids are never going away so maybe it's tIme us SMs made a move, that's what I think for me anyway.
Good luck *** hugs***

snowdrop's picture

You think you would be happier with your ex? I don't exactly think that (male friend) and I were NOT compatible 100%. Way back then I was totally more into DH... my DH is much more attractive physically and we were drawn together like a magnet. I gladly stopped dating others for dh. But had I known he was dishonest to me and carrying on w other women in for so long in the beginning of our relationship... things would have been different. I pulled away from male friends bc I valued my dh so much and we agreed that relationships w people of the opposite sex were dangerous to our new romance. I thought dh was worth all of the sacrifices I made along the way... but seeing this friend made me feel so angry at dh. I sacrificed this friend and so much more along the way, for what? For ALL this???

Don't get me wrong as far as men go, my DH is pretty awesome (he's grown up and worked through a lot) but I'm a pretty awesome catch myself and surely there are men out there who don't require so much sacrifice... my friend is an example, except now he's married. I also know that my friend/ ex is not sexual and passionate like DH (something I really value about him). As much as I complain and get angry w dh he's an amazing lover and man... I know I would not have necessarily been happier with the friend. My DH and I are truly partners... but still I hate to think of how much I sacrificed for him and how hard life continues to be....

stormabruin's picture

It sounds like you carry a lot of bitter feelings toward your DH. If you prefer your time at work over your time with him, can I ask why you choose to stay with him?

I would be pissed & hurt to find out that my DH stayed with me while toting secret regrets for choosing me over an ex. As you deserve a life with someone you can respect & WANT to be with, he deserves a life with someone who can respect & WANT to be with him.

While it's easy to look at someone else & think the grass is greener, the truth is that you don't see or deal with this other man behind closed doors the way you do your DH. There's a good chance this other guy's wife would look at your relationship & be thinking the same thing about your DH.

If you're truly so angry with your DH, maybe counseling would help you cope & let go of some of your anger. If you can't let that go, though, it's dangerous to stay in a situation where seeing a good-looking man leaves your DH falling short in your mind.

snowdrop's picture

LOL you misread what I wrote, my DH IS the good looking one. likewise's it's not secret regrets for choosing him for the ex, it's regrets for trusting him and making so many sacrifices when he was not doing the same for me. Finally, it's actually not a secret at all-- I spoke to him about this several times before posting.

You're right, I do have a lot of angry/ bitter feelings that pop up at times about DH. Though last night was more of a vent, than representative of how I generally feel. For the most part I do not feel so angry and bitter about him... nor do I dislike him as much as I felt last night.

But thank you for the reality check, the grass always seems greener on the other side. I *know* that life would have it's own set of ups and downs with someone else. The reality is that I chose DH over the ex for many reasons, good reasons. I LOVE and am so attracted to my DH. I just wish that he didn't hurt me like that. I wish that given all of the sacrifices that his kids require that he didn't also betray my trust like that...

That makes me angry. But I've stayed all this time because he is truly an amazing, loving man. But he PISSES me off sometimes like no other! You're right about counseling!!! I think we need to do that...