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regression in a teenager

amyburemt's picture

Has anyone ever dealt with regression in a teenager? my sd16 is currently seeing a bunch of psyhiatrists and counselors, was hospitalized for a suicide threat and now is acting like she is regressing in age. Her 15 year old sister has become her emotional crutch, she has absolutely no perception of reality vs fantasy, (for example, for her bday list she asked for a set of throwing knives with a thigh holster). like that would even be something we would buy a suicidal 16 year old who is acting like she is 10. She is also highly manipulative. so far they have not really diagnosed her with a single diagnosis , their theories range from anxiety, to manic depressive, to ODD, to bipolar, to autism spectrum. The attention seeking gets continually worse every year. at 14 she tried to be anorexic then changed over to making a false rape accusation at school. then she started saying she had anger issues. then she walked around for 4 months with an ankle brace on for ankle pain(was only supposed to be on for 1 week), then started having school call saying she was thinking people are talking about her at school and is paranoid, then this year in 2018 she goes to the counselor saying she is thinking about killing herself, has a plan, but is scared to use it. they have had her on like 8 different meds which they keep changing because they are not working, and her behavior is just bizarre. i dont even know what to do anymore. she's supposed to start school again monday and i'm guessing it will be a disaster since she didn't utilize any of the tools they gave her in her 3 week long intensive out patient therapy.