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Phone calls

my3sons's picture

So a few weeks ago we (dh, me and bm) agreed that while SS was with her she would have him call the weekend he was not with us. we get him EOW. Normally we talk on a Tuesday evening (right after her weekend) This is what she wanted, during the week; we wanted it on a Sunday. But we agreed with her. She kept up her end and had him call and we would talk to him about school and stuff going on with him. Well I emailed BM on monday to see how ss was doing and that I was thinking about him, she responded that evening saying he was good, school was good and she would let him know that I emailed. Well he didnt call Tuesday night. I am thinking she thought by us talking via email that was enough. Is talking on the phone one time during the 2 weeks he is there to much?? Should I call (dh works 2nd) if ss does not? BM knows that dh works 2nd and she doesnt mind me talking to him but i still feel anxious when i call over there or think about calling over there. whats the phone call "rules"??

Chocoholic's picture

No the e-mail should NOT count toward your phone call... you didn't email back and forth with ss and no, thats just stupid. I'd have dh call him on Tuesday if he doesn't receive a call.... don't accuse bm of anything just play it off like they must have been busy and forgotten... but I'd definately call.

my3sons's picture

Well dh cant call because of his schedule so its up to me. She choose the calling during the week and that leaves dh out. but he is okay with it as long as the boys and i can talk to him. but this next time if ss does not call i will call him. he normally calls around 6pm so it would be safe to cal at 630 if we dont hear from him. bm has him in bed by 730 every night.