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Hands are Tied...just need to vent

sable89's picture

We have 4 children between us, I have 2 daughters from 1st marriage and 1 SS14 and 1 SD11. Our SD11 came to live with us this summer which shocked me that BM would let her, BUT BM was pregnant with a new baby with new husband. Sadly, BM lost the baby a couple of weeks after SD moved in with us. And BM tried using the loss to make SD11 feel sorry for her, didn't work. SD11 is happy living with us, she is active in school and church. BM didn't even come to SD11 baptism at church or attend her choir program, BM has only attended 1 function so far. BM only text SD11 once or twice everyday, mostly to fuss at her if her grades are not good. NEVER physically calls her on the phone or sends her any cards or letters. (BM lives 2 hours away)

SS14 lives with BM. SS14 wants to come live with us now. He is at the age where he wants to spend more time BD. BM will not let him because that means she will have to pay child support. She didn't hesitate to let SD11 come live with us but is very against letting SS14 come. SS14 is threatening to run away to our house and we have begged her to let him come live with us so he could be happy but she won't budge. So now we are going to have to get a lawyer to fight for him. BM's new husband is not a good influence on children. They are known to drink, smoke and who knows what else. So very glad that SD11 is living with us now. I just wish there was more we could do faster than the court system.

Sorry this is so long, I just needed to vent! Sad

windee's picture

Where I live, he at the age to decide where he wants to live. Hopefully that same law will apply to where you live.