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Told him to fix it or I'm out...

Cinderella was probably a brat's picture

I finally let my DH come back last night after spending 3 nights at his parents house with the kids (over Halloween- my all time favorite holiday. Seriously, I wait all year for it. He even proposed to me on Halloween cuz he knows what a big deal it is for me, but anyway...) . Already though I am regretting letting him come back, because so far I see no concrete effort to change anything but rather just his puppy dog eyes and promises to "work on it".

taking advantage of!

glam-mom's picture

i was told to watch his kids the first day of my boyfriends job, and i did and all went fine... the first time... the second time... the third time... why cant i say i dont want to do it every time o wait ... i do but the stupid bm wont find alternative solution for my woorking boyfriend its not my responsibility to do it every time!

Halloween and Phone calls

kayjoy21's picture

So as you all know yesterday was Halloween, my DH asked BM to send pics of the kids dressed up. We got them today and SD9 dressed as a witch (which is against what my DH likes and SD knows) any way back to the story and SD6 dressed as I have not idea the dress was way to big and her hair was in a ponytail on the top of her head with curls. The pic we got the 9 yr old has makeup on and has a look on her face that she is hot stuff! Which mad DH not so happy she's 9 she doesn't need to have make up like that on she looked like she was 20!

need some help with my bro and his soon to be ex.

purpledaisies's picture

Ok my bro and his GF are no longer. Anyway bro and soon to ex wife (no they are not divorced yet), are fighting really bad. She went out of state and lied to everyone where she went in fact she got my parents to watch the kids but said she was going with her mom. When my bro found out he picked up the kids but then got a call from her saying she had been arrested and needed to bail her out. Bro wasn;t going to as he didn't have the money but her mom and sis called begging him to go get her. But of course how are they going to $900 to do so?

BM's and their costumes...(two posts in one!)

SteppingUp's picture

Someone I know (who is 'friends' with BM on Facebook) texted me today, "Did you see the pics from BM's Halloween costume on Facebook?"

Of course I had to look.

She was supposedly dressed as Paris Hilton. I sooooo wish you guys could see this. For one thing, I've always thought she looked like Paris anyway for some reason (and she must get that, too), upper body and face there's a resemblance. BM is very thin but has pretty large legs compared to the rest of her (and compared to Paris).

A vent about exh deadbeats.

overit2's picture

Ok, so I see over and over vents about Bmoms, skids, and i do my fair share of bmom complaints lol...right now I just want to vent about their deadbeat dad.

You know-since they were born and before we divorced I already took on the majority of responsibility with them-hence why he never argued for custody or even took advantage of the generous visitation he was offered. He's always done the minimum.

What Do You Make Of This?

Francesca's picture

So, we had SD4 since Tuesday. We do all sorts of fun Halloween things, including a haunted train ride for kids. We take her trick or treating in her Minnie Mouse costume. BM had called twice while she was here crying on the phone for her to come home. Poor girl ran around packing her toys in a box because momma cwy for me. Then BM stopped calling, not even to see who was going to take her out for Halloween (no court order, not divorced yet). So we did. We took her home after trick or treating and did not give any advance warning that we were coming.

O/T about new neighbors

purpledaisies's picture

I need some advice on this. My new neighbors that moved in about 2 weeks ago or so. Anyway yesterday for the first time we really talked which lead to her talking about her and her husband. She laid it all out on me that they were having problems but she was very vague about what she was having problems with. She was all over the place, never stuck to one subject about anything then she would say I don;t want to talk about but then start talking about how done she is with him and he needs go. she did this all day and night.
