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any anwsers dealing with a stupind ex

sunflower2583's picture

My husband ex wife it very crazy she never leaves him alone and he doesn’t want to be bother my her earthier she calls him all the time for stupid crap to tell happy birthday or farther day. they have been divorce since the early 90s she crazy I get made because the kids think she so great her daughter came and live with us a couple years ago when her mother boyfriend got arrest for trying to mess around with her and the dumb mother stay with him and his still with him now the kids are grown up and she still wont go away I really am going to get into with her if she doesn’t stop which she wont should I call her and tell her to stop to I have that right


NCMilGal's picture

Like everybody else, I'm going to say this is on your husband.

In our case, we're just WAITING for SD14 to turn 18 and finish high school (37 months until 18, 41 until graduation)to be able to tell off BM. Our life is none of her business, and at that point, we don't have to play nice with her any more. We're willing to make it legal with a no-contact order from the courts if we have to.