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StubbornEnough's picture

ok I feel better. Thank you all so much for listening!


branmuffin97's picture

passive drives me nuts. I want to tattle...but tattling is wrong...especially when I am a 13yo boy that could handle the 8yo on my telling him to stop...but instead I will SCREAM IT TO THE TOP OF MY LUNGS to let my daddy know what kind of crap I have to put up with.

Grrrrrr.....we have it here. It blows!

StubbornEnough's picture

Exactly! EX-ACT-LY! You will be 18 in a few weeks! You can't handle your 15 yo sister? She's been your sister your WHOLE LIFE! SHUT THE FUCK UP and stop trying to get other people in trouble. Grow up.

So, after I put up with this alllll weeeeeeek looooong, Hubby comes home and tells me that she called him from school today and arranged to go spend the weekend at her friend's house!

SO glad you are rewarding her for being a complete and utter asshole to every member of the family ALL WEEK! That'll teach her!

At least I get rid of the sound of her whiiiiine for a couple days!

bearcub25's picture

SS12 and SD11 both talk at the top of their lungs and use a whiny voice all.the.time. I can't stand to hear the sound of either of their voices anymore.