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Problems with DH- rough patch or something else?

Steptococci's picture

DH has been giving me the cold-shoulder/silent treatment for almost a week. It's a pattern, and we're at a point where I really can't stand it. It feels a bit like emotional abuse/manipulation. He won't make eye contact and doesn't address me in the family- just communicates through the children. (we have DD3 and DS2 together, SD10 50/50.) When he's like this he barely acknowledges me in a room and won't say good morning or good night- goes to bed at 9pm right after SD. In general DH is a terrible communicator- so this is his way of saying, "you hurt me" or "i'm disappointed in us and our lack of sex recently." Or something like that. So we've been going to marriage counseling for 6 months because of problems that peaked this past summer when his parents were here. Honestly things seemed to be getting a lot better until the past week or so.

Part of the improvement was in me making changes about what I will and will not tolerate. Just making more decisions for myself. I've been asserting more independence and stopped catering to his daily whims/disapprovals. It's helped me resent him and SD a lot less. (See previous posts about how he treated me when his parents were here, among others, for background info.) I guess his own resentment is now building though.

So- the reason he's mad is still somewhat unclear, except that at dinner on Saturday night (I had gotten us a babysitter/made dinner res 2 weeks prior so we could have some time alone, before the cold front) he said he's annoyed that I seem to be "overcompensating" for his historically bossy/controlling behavior, by making so many plans for myself and choosing to do my own thing more lately. He says, "I feel like you are trying to escape" - What this means in practical terms is I've been training for another marathon, so going for 1-2 hour runs 1-2 x per week (usually weekends) with girlfriends. And in the past 2 weeks I've had dinner with a colleague and gone to book club once. I also signed our DD3 up for swim lessons, for 1 hour on Sunday morning, something overdue that he knew I was planning on doing for her own safety, a long time ago. I always check with him before making these plans. It's not prolonged amounts of time - maybe at most 3-4 hours.

I've been supportive and encouraging when DH wants to go have a drink with friends, when he joined his weekly bowling league, or if he wants to go for a trail run- though he doesn't seem to plan stuff for himself much. But not to mention all of SD's regular activities he is engaged in with her - currently SD has gymnastics 3 hours per week (2 nights) and piano one hour private lesson per week, as well as choir and her musical activities before school. So 3 out of 7 nights with us she has a scheduled activity that affects our dinner time. That's usually time DH wants to take her and get away - he'll sometimes go to the gym or shopping but often that's time that I'm home with little ones alone. I have always just accommodated- it's part of his list of priorities and I don't want to be the person taking that SD/Daddy time away or threatening anything that makes SD's life happy and stable. (Not my place.) But now that I want to put our little ones in activities DH is acting like it's not cool. Like it negatively affects everyone's family time.

So during dinner I asked him - are you mad at me for going running, for taking kids to swim lessons, for going to book club once per month? (because for years now, when I would do these things like go workout or book club, he'd give me the silent treatment for at least a day after- resulting in many arguments and fights between us and me not doing them much or at all anymore.) And he said basically yes. I said, "but those were all normal things that I did plenty of when we were dating, they make me happy, now I'm just supposed to give them all up?"

And he said, "ever since you had 2 children that I never wanted, yes." (Me: jaw hanging open.) Sad

I don't really know where to go from here- am I asking too much for my DH to support me in my activities, or the little ones' activities, or having friends outside the home? If we do go on a date, I'm the one that plans it all. He said he wants us to have more "US" time and that we're lacking in that department but I'm the one planning all our couple activities (1-2 x per month) and he's complained I don't initiate sex enough so until this week I was making an effort to initiate 1-2 x per week.

Honestly I feel like he's just controlling and this is bordering on total bs. Now he's saying I made him have kids with me? So the only kid he ever wanted was SD? Perfect.

Obviously I struggle to know what a normal marriage looks like. For those of you who have something like one, how often do you pursue your own interests outside the family and if you do, does you spouse get made and spiteful or are they supportive? How do you negtotiate time for yourself/time away vs family time? AND- for anyone- Is marriage just a small prison we live in for the benefits of children, regular sex and a bolstered social status, because sometimes that's what it feels like to me...? I'm struggling. DH isn't ever threatening or physical and I'm not scared for myself or kids- I'm just feeling bullied. I was a happy independent person before I met him, single well into my 30's. Sometimes I think I really wasn't meant to be married if this is what it looks like. I love the kids and often I love our life together, but this- I don't know. Thanks for reading.


beebeel's picture

I couldn't get over the "two kids I never wanted" comment. He is obviously resenting a lot right now, but could this be the root issue? Were both the kids unplanned?

Steptococci's picture

The first was definitely planned and he was all about it. On the other hand, he's never been as "into" her as he was/is into SD. He clearly adores SD and adored everything about her early years - he cherished the time with her. Not so much with DD- he resents her strong-willed temperament, has said even that "it's too bad she has such a bad personality" and "she's not a nice person" and "she doesn't like me, she only wants you"- She's actually a really loving, pretty easy kid who loves her dad though. (She's a lot like him.)

The second (our son) was an oops, but not really- because DH participated knowing I wanted another baby - I had tried to have serious conversations about the option, even prior to getting married, and he had just said, "I'm not giving you another baby. Period." He would sulk and shut me down if I brought it up - I was at a point where I wanted another but could have been talked out of it with a rational conversation. That conversation did not happen, but he didn't get "snipped" and was fully aware I wasn't on anything (BC), I was breastfeeding and in my late 30's when it happened. Low probability event but of course we had not taken measures to prevent, so... I told him right away when I got the positive preg test and he wasn't even surprised. He was an active participant every step of the way. Our son is kind of a magical baby- so happy, so charming, truly adorable. I think that's been a strange road for DH since he now has a mini-me who worships him and is absolutely a dear- who yes, also costs us more, and requires a lot of attention. I feel for DH in that he has had to process all of this- but the way he treats me and sometimes them just seems like crap. He did choose this even if he doesn't want to admit it.

Jlbfinch's picture

I think I’d be planning my exit based on the children comment alone. Some things once spoken cannot be taken back.

LostinSpaceandTime's picture

Keep going to counseling. Keep doing the things that nourish your soul. Keep taking the little ones out into the world.

Your DH sounds like a big man baby.
Where does he think those extra two kids came from? He was there too. He must have enjoyed the sex since he whines he does not get enough now.

After a comment like that one I would have no interest in sex with the person who said it. They would have to do some major overhaul on their attitude and major amends to make up for such a hurtful thing.

Stop planning the date nights. He can do it or there will be none. Maybe he feels emasculated in that you take charge and do all the planning. Maybe he just wants the sex without the dinner and the movie. Whatever...too bad for him. He needs to step up and be a good husband and father to all his kids.

Do not give in to his silent treatment. Do not let him communicate thru the kids. That is all abusive behavior. Tell him to look you directly in the eye when he talks to you. Anything else he says is to the wall. You are his wife. Demand he gives you the respect by talking to you to your face. If he wants to be silent then fine....go on about your life. Do not give him the attention he is seeking with this abusive treatment.

Sit him down and explain that you do not wish to raise your littles with the example of silent treatment as a way to handle family conflict or issues. Do this at the counseling appointment. Rinse and repeat as it takes time to change behavior. Change your own. Let him work on his.
It does not get better on its own. Trust me on this one. I divorced a man who used this tactic. Only regret is I didn't leave him sooner.

Go forth and live your authentic life!

Steptococci's picture

Thank you for this. I think it was exactly what I needed to hear.
Ugh and yes of course, after superbowl w/ friends last night he was feeling a lot more, ahem, "loving" towards me- Um, no thanks buddy, you're drunk and horny so now you want to spend time with me, NOW I exist to you? Thankfully he just passed out.

I'm not asking for so much time away, just small things that make me feel like a happy, normal person- and not isolated in the house. I work from home so I'm home virtually always. I do 80-90% of childcare and 60-70% of cooking and household planning - and I'm not asking him to do more. I just need a break sometimes. I wish he'd do the same, so he can stop complaining to me about how tired he is or how he doesnt have any fun now that he has 3 kids.

Ninji's picture

Sounds exactly like my ex (minus the bio children). He was very controlling. I had to spend all my time with him or be available to spend time with him. Not allowed to do anything on my own. He would also give me the silent treatment for days on end.

He ended up waking me up at 2am and kicking me out because I created a Facebook page. I hadn't friended anyone yet or posted anything. Apparently, I was on the computer without his permission and he waited until I fell asleep and checked up on me. It was the best thing to every happen to me.

Freedom is very sweet. I'm not saying you should leave your DH, but he is showing clear signs of controlling behavior. He can do/go where he wants and you have to be home and at his beckon call. Not cool.

The comment about the babies is WAY over the top. I hope he doesn't mean it because they will start to feel/see that SD is the favored child and it will negatively affect them.

I would suggest counseling. Was he cheated on my BM? Where the babies planned (even if not, that comment was not ok).

I'm sorry you are going through this. I remember the feeling of walking on egg shells because my ex wouldn't like something and ignore me for days on end. It sucks.

Steptococci's picture

Thanks for this- Sorry to hear that happened to you with your ex (I had an exbf who also freaked out about me being on FB once- he was a jealous maniac and that feeling of relief after breaking up with him was sweeter than anything) - so sounds like in your case you were ultimately better off!
Yes I hate to admit I've had a rare fantasy that he'll say or do something that will just set me free from this. We still have times when I really love him and we're happy together, and I clearly don't want to break up my family but sometimes I don't want to live like this forever either.

He was cheated on. His ex is a bigger narcissist than both DH an his mother, which is saying a lot. (My DH shows quite a few NPD traits if you haven't figured..) His ex married the friend of his that she cheated with, last year. Tough pill to swallow.
Babies were planned, and one was an oops-ish. He was not blindsided.

We have been in counseling. Looks like we have more to talk about now.

Aniki-Moderator's picture

"And he said, "ever since you had 2 children that I never wanted, yes."

:jawdrop: :jawdrop: :jawdrop:

THIS is what I would bring up in the next counseling appointment. IMHO, your DH - upset for whatever unknown reason - is being nasty to you because his fee-fees are hurt. However, he is not "using his words" to tell you anything. Does he think you are a mind-reader? It is impossible to address/resolve a "hurt" when you have NO idea what the "hurt" is.

And he is using the children to communicate with you. A 2yo, a 3yo, and a 10yo who is there half the time. Terrible. Does he not understand that children pick up on these things?

Stepto, I want to give your DH a Flying Five Fist Monkey Nut Punch. Times 2. {{{hugs}}}

Steptococci's picture

Thanks Aniki- I've never heard of a Flying Five Fist Monkey Nut punch before but it sounds brilliant.

justmakingthebest's picture

"And he said, "ever since you had 2 children that I never wanted, yes."

A sentence very similar to that ended my marriage with my kids dad. He said "I wish we never had children" - the next day I enrolled in school, finished my BS in less than a year and within 6 months of that I was gone. My mom was one to always say have a plan if you ever leave. Be able to support your kids. I did that, you need to as well. That sentence made my stomach turn. Make a plan, take your kids.

Steptococci's picture

I have a great career that I spent many years cultivating prior to meeting DH (part of why it took me so long to settle down and get married.) So financially I can handle it all, with a slight decrease in my otherwise currently very nice standard of living. Socially it would be hard because everyone loves DH. And my family is far away. I still love him though I'm super hurt and horrified that this is what he feels. And this behavior is unacceptable to me.
Then you could say I'm most worried about upending the family and how to carry on with a highly competitive person who will surely fight and become the most amazing Disney dad ever, if we were to split. He would never ever let me have more than 50% w/ the kids- even though he says he doesn't/didn't want them he will not fail societally in his role as their dad. May I ask how you made it work with your custody arrangement after you left?

justmakingthebest's picture

My ex didn't want our kids. Our kids that it took a lot of fertility treatments to get, mind you!

He saw them for maybe a day or 2 during the first 6 months of our separation. After that he found out that a 2 and 4 yr old were great for getting chicks. So then he saw them every other weekend. After he knocked up his now wife, he wanted them a little more, so he added a Wed. night dinner. Then he moved out of the area and sees them one weekend a month.

It works for us. He is a much better dad now than he was when we were together. Maybe I just wasn't the right wife for him. Who knows?? But between that comment and his PTSD we weren't in a good home situation. Controlling would be putting what I dealt with mildly. However I could have dealt with just about everything he threw at me emotionally if he loved our kids. Realizing that he didn't... or at least didn't feel that he did at that point in his life was the straw that broke the camels back. There were signs all over the place. I was young and dumb and totally dependent on him. That was how he liked things.

FrenchPeas's picture

Silent treatment is actually the worst form of emotional abuse. It basically says you're a non person and it's torture.

I want to be super blunt here and its from an observation of reading here over the last couple of months.

For the record, I lived with and was tormented by a sociopath. He did a lot of damage to my heart, mind, and spirit. It literally took TWO YEARS of counseling and self forgiveness to move past what he did to me. I actually did everything humanly possible to stay married to him. I didn't want another divorce and I was embarrassed but my counselor pointed out that I was living in an ABUSIVE situation. He was a pro at silent treatment.

Ok = that being said. So many of you really sweet ladies put up with SO much CRAP. Literally ABUSE is heaped on you with excuse after excuse. Myself, included. I thought his poor upbringing and abusive father made him a sympathetic character. NOPE - what it did was make him a grade a selfish A**HOLE. He was ABUSIVE.

THIS IS ABUSE. Passive aggressiveness is abuse. Cold shoulder is abuse. Withholding emotional and physical love is abuse. Making you capitulate to make things better is abuse. walking on eggshells is abuse. Telling you he didn't want your children is ABUSE. Gaslighting is abuse.

There is something to be said for working on things. But let me point out this as well - not ALL of these BM's are insane. I learned really quickly that the "crazy exes" all had one thing in common - THE A**HOLE. He just about ran me insane. I went from a very happy go lucky girl to a crying, raging mess. Compliments of that turd. There is a reason these guys are divorced and it's not always a crazy, insane ex. Ever wonder how they got that way? How many times did I look in the mirror and wonder how I turned into the horrible mess that I was? Him - I fought with everything I had and it was for NOTHING.

Guess what else, He did it to those before me and he's done it to THREE since me. All of our stories are IDENTICAL. I have a friend who knows THREE of us and him. He said it's like hitting repeat everytime one of us gets away from him.

Love yourself enough to realize you're being treated poorly. LOVE YOURSELF and YOUR CHILDREN. It's abuse.

secret's picture

Totally agree. People who issue the silent treatment are generally terrible communicators.

It's one thing to tell tell someone that you need to take some time to cool off... totally another to shun them altogether.

Silent treatment only "works" when the person being ignored gives a crap. Don't.

WTF...REALLY's picture

Well said. OP, please re read this many times. You are not being treated with love.

So happy you found the strength to leave him French.

Steptococci's picture

Absolutely see your point. I knew we'd hit a new low this past summer when I found myself repeatedly empathizing with his crazy ex. SHe is a nightmare of a person ( I know this first hand) and yet I kept wondering if I should buy her a beer. I mean, she must have experienced some of this too... She cheated and it's so easy to demonize her but women usually don't cheat because they're just horny... Not that I have any interest in that but she must've been pretty bummed out about her marriage.

FrenchPeas's picture

Women cheat because their needs aren’t being met. Now you know why. She wasn’t being treated kindly or with love. She found the affirmation she needed elsewhere. Sad.

Sweet T's picture

I feel your pain. It is so hard not knowing what is going to set them off or how they will behave. My ex through out the he never wanted bs10 too. I did fertility drugs so he should have spoken up sooner.

Only you will know if this is worth it.

DaizyDuke's picture

And he said, "ever since you had 2 children that I never wanted, yes."

Oh my, I really didn't read past this, because this is where I'd be done. What an awful thing to say. To me that statement describes his actions. It sounds like he is resentful of your littles and the fact that he has to watch them when you are doing your "you" things. And he's resentful of having to take them places for activities because again, it's not something he wanted.

Can I ask though? Did he tell you up front that he really didn't want any more kids? If so, I could see having one, but having 2 that close together was probably not the smartest thing to do. But whatever, what's done is done and those are his children. Do you think your DH will grow out of this resentful phase when the littles are a bit older and more self sufficient like SD10 is?

NoWireCoatHangarsEVER's picture

No. I don't think that's a normal marriage. There is no way I would put up with this type of behavior and being treated this way by the man who vowed to love me and honor me. THis is neither love nor honor. No fricking way did you do anything to deserve this sort of treatment. If it were me, I'd be coming up with an exit plan.

moeilijk's picture

Well, communicating with someone who says nothing until they explode is really difficult. It'll be hard on your kids, too. My father was like that, and he created a very emotionally unstable, bullying home environment. The whole family walked on eggshells waiting to see what his mood was that day. And it could change in an instant.

At this point, ofc I know that this isn't normal, but growing up... I thought people don't say out loud what they want, they just get resentful and vindictive when the people around them don't guess correctly. I had some rough times with friendships and relationships until I got some help to develop emotional maturity.

I can tell you that he is deeply insecure and most likely very angry much of the time. I think you can handle that by not taking any of it personally - but if you model not taking him seriously, the kids are going to learn that too... and that will lead to issues. OTOH, you don't want them to believe the hateful things he says when he gets that way either.

moeilijk's picture

I also want to add, calling him to the quality you are not getting might be useful for you in drawing boundaries and giving some clarity to your DH about what you expect.

For example, justice is being fair and seeking a solution so that everyone wins. Your DH suggesting that you should give up all activities that you enjoy to provide 24/7 childcare to your mutual children isn't just. I also suspect he's not being honest; I think he lacks self-control. So when he says something that 'feels' so incredibly aggressive, you can take the 'fight' out of it by looking at what quality he's lacking, and saying so.

"DH, we're partners in life and in this family. I wouldn't be happy if I didn't have a meaningful life beyond you and the kids, and so we need to find a way that I can pursue my interests and friendships outside of the home. I expect you to support my life outside of our family but I can see it is very difficult for you right now. You're going to have to work on showing more self-control, because it's very damaging to our relationship when you do and say things that show me that you don't respect me. I've become more and more cautious about approaching you because I don't trust you to be kind or friendly to me, and I feel very sad about that. I love you and want us to be close."

Aunt Agatha's picture

Hugs to you. I’m sorry you are going through this.

Reading your posts, I have to say man baby came to mind (as someone else said).

You deserve better. I hope you can find it in you to do what you have to do for your sanity and those of your kids.

Because this ‘man’ you are married to never will.

Acratopotes's picture

wow, I did not read all the comments cause I'm pissed off now and I'm not even involved with you or your DH

"And he said, "ever since you had 2 children that I never wanted, yes."
I would've said, oh yeah I stole your sperm and got myself pregnant cause you never had sex with me?? Now you complain cause we do not have sex....
eff off and get out bastard.

I would not stop there, I would simply tell him, you drop everything for your daughter, why did you mot marry her? Oh yeah right cause you can't have sex with her and that's all I'm good enough for... go and find yourself a whore, I'm a person and I will make my own friends and I will live my life, if you want to be stuck jumping for your daughter that's your decision not mine, I don't have to, and seeing you never wanted the other 2, why don't you simply move out and get lost, I can be happy on my own with my children, I do not need you....

I swear this would\ve resulted in a divorce in my life, or a serious break up, I would ban him so far from my life that he will never find his way back. Just because his 10 year old daughter and Ex wife is controlling his life, he feels like man by trying to control your life....
He should ignore the BM and start being a parent to his daughter and control her life, not yours, you are an adult....

Bring that up in counseling.....He will never for get that sentence in his life... children I did not want..... oh the therapist will have a field day with that.

FrenchPeas's picture

I actually used that line on my ex. He didn’t even come to the hospital when i had ememecy surgery with a 5 day stay due to complications. He “couldn’t get off work unless it was an emergency”. Right. Whatever. These men are abusive a**holes.

Steptococci's picture

Thank you, Acra-
I know - I've learned from this site that what I thought was just my resentment of SD/BM has more to do with him. He is my problem. And I am my problem for tolerating this and for buying it all along. SD was a mini-wife. He worships her. He wanted me to as well. I don't. She's a nice kid but I have never wanted to be part of a marital threesome.

Also, I wanted my own children to raise and love. He wanted me to play SD mommy - even muttered on occasion how nice it'd be if BM didn't exist or if she went away permanently, then I could be SD's mom- he wanted that to be enough for me- I never wanted to be her mommy. I told him that.

But he really wanted me in his life- so he promised me kids to get me to commit, and then gave them to me. Now he's angry he has to deal with them. He almost seems angry that I love them as much as I do. I've not been one of those moms that puts the kids above my spouse, or loves on baby and ignores the spouse- but I do love them completely and will do anything I need to do to keep them safe.

The whole thing is sad because my kids are wonderful, smart, happy, and they love us all. They (and SD) are innocents. WE are the assholes. So now my best option is to get control of my marriage and shut this manipulative behavior or his down or try to get away from him before they get old enough to understand it. Truthfully - things will get uglier if we split up- he's a competitive parent- he will insist on winning their affection and loyalty. He will Disney parent them to high heaven.

I HOPE our therapist has something helpful to say about that comment. I like her and she's been overall good for us, but sometimes I think she's been sold on DH's charms- he says very little in there and presents as open and agreeable, nods and smiles mostly, and I bring complaints and come off sounding like a shrill bitch.

moeilijk's picture

"I HOPE our therapist has something helpful to say about that comment. I like her and she's been overall good for us, but sometimes I think she's been sold on DH's charms- he says very little in there and presents as open and agreeable, nods and smiles mostly, and I bring complaints and come off sounding like a shrill bitch."

If the therapist is worth $0.10, she knows that if one person is unhappy, the marriage isn't working. Sure, we can work on ourselves, but in a good relationship - we help each other. Full stop.

I'm getting concerned that this may not be resolvable. It sounds like your DH went out and bought a picture of what a 'perfect' family is supposed to be, and keeps trying to squish the people around him into the image he has. The image that serves and pleases him.

Acratopotes's picture

Ok - now try this.... next therapy session be quiet say nothing, tell the therapist you think the problem is resolved, he told you he never wanted more children and he wished BM dead so you can become SD's mother and you do not know how to explain to a grown ass man, that if that child is not from your womb you can never be the mother......

see how they react to that, but make it clear he sort of wished his other 2 children gone and you think it would be best if you simply take them and make his dreams come true.....

Yes DH is pissed off cause in you he can see what a loving caring mother should be, and BM is definitely not that, maybe it's time to up your came and disengage from him, if he comes back out of his own then you've got something to work with, if he keeps on walking away at least you will not be wasting years on the douche bag... you are a good woman and you deserve more, and your therapist is up to shit, I would get another one, preferably a male lol....

stop nagging and stop bitching, men hate it when we go this way, if DH tells you something you smile and say, if you think it's best... and then you still do what you want lol, if he complains about it, smile and say... you do what's best for you, I do what's best for me... I never agreed what's best for you will be best for me.

Simply start treating him like he treats you and him turning into a Disney Dad with your 2, it will never happen cause he's to far up his daughters ass