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BM thought she could con us! She thought wrong!

SteppingUp's picture

This was going to be our first weekend EVER, ONLY taking my fiance's son. As most of you know, we have always also had SS3's older sister even though SD5 is not my fiance's daughter. We felt pretty good about this change (which occurred because SD's bio father changed his weekends and is now taking her on the weekends when we have's really how it SHOULD have always been). We are looking forward to having some one-on-one time with SS3 who is now becoming much more independent from his older sister (who very much enjoys bossing him around and telling him how to play). Last night when we were at the store we bought SS3 some "brain games" as it's really hard to play age-appropriate games with him when his sister is around, because she makes him really frustrated. He is a little bit behind with his numbers and letters and memory-type things so we feel the weekends will be hte perfect opportunity for us to help him to grow. We made a few plans to make the weekend really special for SS3 because we want him to be able to adjust to the change.

Fiance just got off the phone with BM. Here's what he told me happened:

BM: So you're picking up SD tonight, right?
DF: No...just Son, remember?
BM: NOOOOOOOO, SD's bio dad is just going to have her on Saturday night, not Friday night.
DF: And you felt it necessary to keep that information from me until now?
BM: I told you that was what was happening with the change...that biodad was just taking SD on Saturdays now.
DF: No, you told me (biodad) was taking SD from now on, on the weekends I normally had her, and I even clarified with you that it was Friday and Saturdays, and that I would only be picking up Son from daycare on those Fridays.
BM: You are such an ass.
DF: I really think you need to consider keeping her for the Friday nights then or seeing if BD will take her both Friday and Saturday. We love her but the situation is really complicated.
BM (finally getting to her point): Well I have PLANS tonight.
DF: So that's the real reason you need me to take her? Not because you 'thought you told' me?
BM: *long silence*
BM: Whatever. I'll take her then. *hang up*

So BM must have suddenly realized that she doesn't get her Friday nights free at all anymore, EVER...that she'll always have at least one kid on Fridays. Methinks she was trying to con us into continuing to take SD on Friday nights so that she could have a night to go out. It just kills her to be a parent.


antidrama's picture

OMG this is EVERY bit of our BM? Are they twin sisters? It's never about the skid, always about her incoveniences. LOL

tofurkey's picture

SteppingUp - First of all bravo to your DH for calling her bluff! Second, I'm pretty new here so I've missed a lot. Did your DH legally adopt the girl or something?

SteppingUp's picture

Nope. She is not legally his whatsover -- he raised her since she was 6 months old, she calls him "Daddy" (and she calls her bio father "Daddy Name") and he and BM ended up having their son together. When the girl was abotu 3.5 they split up but agreed that they wanted to keep the kids together as much as possible so that it wouldn't be as traumatic for them. When my fiance got his child support and custody stipulation, it is only for his son. The courts didn't care about the girl because she HAS a bio father who pays child support and has visitation. So she's not our obligation at all but up until now (she's 5.5 now) have taken her the same amount of time we take his son, which is 50/50.