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Teenagers scare me

Soon-to-be-Step-Mommy's picture

I am absolutely dreading the teenage years. It is bad enough to see them in public I can only imagine what it will be like when my SD is a teen. We went to a church fair last week and these young girls MAYBE 13-14 were wearing shorter shorts then I would ever even contemplate and I am 27. There were couples, gay and straight, making out and fondling each other in public. It is just sickening and scary what this world is coming to. My SD is a tomboy to the T so I'm not sure if this will become an issue with her. She loves to horse around with the boys and act like a boy and wants nothing to do with little girls or dressing like one. But it isn't just these's the attitudes. SD is only 8 but she talks back and loves to say "NO" these days. Her Daddy reprimands her but it is still a continuous thing. If this is what we have to deal with at 8, I am scared of what might come out of her mouth at age 13!!!


TheOtherMom's picture

Its not as bad as it could be. You have time. Besides all you can do is build respect with her and let her know you won't tolerate disrespect.
As long as you have DH support, it will be ok.