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Update to "thats what I get"

snoopyinoz's picture

Soooo, After last night, DH told SD that if he found ANY dirty dishes, she was gonna wash them ALL. Well, DH goes looking and finds yup, you guessed it, dirty dishes, so, he makes SD pull them all out of the cabinets and sends her to bed (IT was midnight before she got the 4 days worth of dishes done.) This morning, DH and I get up and guess what, dishes havent been touched, and SD is in her room playing. I didn't say a word, DH walked into their room, grabs SD by the hand, leads her to the kitchen and tells her, "You lost the playing privledgie last night, get them done." well, SD starts in on her dishes, and DH tells her again to get them clean or shes gonna wash them all again. DH tells me to go out and enjoy a few hours to myself, sans kids (YAY!) Well, I return 2 hours later, and guess what, DH had found dishes that were STILL dirty (after shes washed them 3 times already) and she is in the process of pulling EVERYTHING out and washing it yet again. I say nothing, I am just waiting for her to finally start screaming at her dad that hes "NOT BEING FAIR" and see what happens.....


snoopyinoz's picture

more along the line of shes lazy. this is NOT the first time we've had to go through this you would have THOUGHT that she would have learned to do them right the first time, but noooo. DH just told her "well, seems to me that you LIKE doing dishes"

stepsonhatesme's picture

when my sister was little she would do the dishes wrong just so she wouldnt have to do them were my parents messed up. lol

Sarahjc's picture

I agree-kudos for DH sticking to it. My SS11 pulled weeds for literally 10 hours last Saturday because he half assed it the first 3 times. He would come in crying and DH would send him back out. Then I'd look out and see him goofing off. I have no tolerance for laziness and have a hard time not just saying "I'll do it myself". But 10 hrs later, my yard looked great! Smile

snoopyinoz's picture

oh, its now 9 pm and SD is doing dishes for the FIFTH time! She just whined "but I don't want to" and was told "well, then maybe you should have done it right the first time, you will do them until they are done correctly" and her reply was "but I don't LIKE doing dishes" answer to that one was "well, it seems to me that you DO like doing them, seeing as how if you didn't, you would have done them right the first time, not the 5th" Wonder how long its gonna take for her to realize that DH and I will not accept "half assed"

buttercookie's picture

You either have a really stupid kid or a stubborn one. Hold to making her complete it correctly. Sounds like she always did stuff half assed or whined to get out of doing stuff and she's finally being held to a task. Its important for your future well being with her that she is forced to do this correctly, its becoming a battle of wills or like I said she's that stupid. If you back down on this the only thing she will learn is that she will eventually get her way if she misbehaves enough.

snoopyinoz's picture

Part of it is BM (THANK GOD she is no longer in the picture, BM would give into SD just so she wouldnt have to deal with her) and SD is trying to push my buttons, thinking I will give in and just do it for her, like BM has done in the past. SD has been known to play stupid (DH cals it "acting like BM" because BM would pull stunts like this and was never made to do chores, or anything, and STILL acts like that as an adult) as a shcok to myself, I have actually kept my temper and NOT snapped at SD about this, (a few weeks ago we went through something simmilar and I LOST it, yelling, screaming and crying and wound up leaving for a few hours to re group)