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SMIT's Blog

I just don't like her and I wish he didn't, either

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As much as I hate to admit it, I'm slightly jealous of the good relationship my husband and his ex- have. I know it's better for all three of us and for my SS, but I guess I want some justification for not thinking too highly of her. She's a good mother to our little boy but there are things about her I just can't stand and I feel awful for it.

His mommy & her house hunt...

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Well, just when I thought I was safe from my SS's mommy being our next door neighbor... the house she was going to rent a few miles away fell through. Now she's looking in our subdivision again! AAAAARRRRGGGGHHHH! I hate how she tries to make it sound like it's so much about how much her older son from her first marriage would enjoy living there because a few of his friends live in our subdivision. It is a large neighborhood, but it's OURS and she doesn't need to be there!

Darn genetics!!!

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Has anyone else had to try to love a child who looks so much like his mother that you can't see him as anything but a reminder of your husband's baggage? Thankfully, my little SS is beginning to look more like his daddy, but for a long time, the kid was a frightening spitting image of his mother and I actually resented him for it. I resented a child for something he couldn't help! WHAT was wrong with me?! I guess I really didn't like what he represented. Will anybody else out there please let me know if you've experienced anything like that? Thanks!

Getting hitched in five weeks... and his ex- is digging in

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Well, our wedding is just five weeks away and my darling's ex-wife has started to pull some punches. She and I have always gotten along well and I've appreciated that because I know how awful it can be. We've always told each other how much we appreciate each other's parenting styles and I've always been sincere about it. I've never feared that she might want my fiance back--she was the one to initiate their separation and divorce--but it seems that, as our wedding gets closer, she's actually having a hard time with my guy moving on and being happy without her.
