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What a load of crap - or is it?

SisterNeko's picture

I try not to be nosy but sometimes you just notice things and this one really bugs me. Now I know that BM is a lying shack of s***. BUT since we have our little e-mail 'chat' things have been 'ok' so I probably won't say anything to her but...

I drove passed her house today on my way out of town - I didn't go out of my way or anything (not a stalker) - you can see her house from the main road out of town. It was around 9 am and I noticed that her car was in the drive way, which is odd since she told FDH that she was "really busy this week at work with interviews". So busy that she can't take off for SS7's dentist appointment tomorrow.

I returned to town a little after one - using the same route - I drove passed her house again - her car was still there. Now there are a lot of reason why she might be home today, I asked FDH if she has said anything about the boys being sick - she usually does. They are supposed to both be in summer school this week. She hasn't talked to FDH since Monday when she txt'ed to make sure that FDH took off so that he could take SS7 to the dentist.

Why it's so important? Last week we had the boys and SS5 had a dentist appointment, BM came and got him, took him, and then dropped him off with me and SS7 at the park. Didn't say a word to SS7 before she left and didn't throw a fit when FDH said he could go with (which she usually does). SS7 knows that BM took SS5 and asked me if BM was going to take him when it was his turn - BM had already told us that she couldn't so I told SS7 the truth FDH was going to take him. He seemed bummed. I tried to play it up and excite him but the little boy wants his mommy.

To add to it we just noticed that SS7 is getting his adult teeth - put hasn't lost any baby teeth! Now for the record I have been saying for almost a year that SS7 needs to go to the dentist but NO ONE listens to Step-Mom! I told FDH that they will take x-rays and will start pulling teeth - most likely tomorrow!

If you follow my blog you know that I kinda called BM out on playing faves with the boys during our e-mail 'chat'. She claimed that she does not and that 'there was a reason why she does what she does'. She smothers SS5 and rejects/ignores SS7. This is all just more proof to add to my folder for if/when the nut job ever goes for full custody. But it really makes me sick because I get the feeling that we are being lied to (again) and BM just doesn't want to take SS7, because well it's ss7 and she doesn't care. Or BM will end up going tomorrow and just did all this so that FDH would go with her.

I guess we'll see tomorrow.


Kilgore SMom's picture

Our Bm has 3 sons all by different fathers. #1 son is very cute, #2 son (DH) is also very cute, but #3 son is ugly. #1 and #2 are both in the full custody of their fathers, #3 live with Bm and his Daddy when their not in jail. I have heard BM call #3 son her ugly son in front of people and this kid is awful he never mines. #3 will not have a chance in life with them as parents it very sad.
Most of BM favortism goes to #1 son he is 13 now and she has been manipulating him for years, I think he loves her as much as he hates her. Its very sad for him because he is now acting out, trying to smoke and drink (which BM trys to be the cool parent and let happen). The poor boy will probably end up strung out on drugs by 14 like Bm clams she was.
DH has interened on #2 son, which is his son, and Bm just has sv which she has not done because she was running from the law and now she is in jail. Dh has and will do everything he can to make sure BM doesn't mess with ss (#2) head like she has the onther 2 boys.

These poor kids that have BM like her are so emotionaly and mentally miss treated its a damn shame