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O/T - a round of applause for my FDH

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FDH is 34, and has worked full time for his current employer for 17 years. Yep, half his life - who does that these days?!?

Today he learned that he has gotten a HUGE promotion. He's been promoted several times over the years, but this puts him third in command of the whole company Smile

I'm so happy for him - he works so hard and is always trying to improve himself professionally, personally and as a parent. He deserves this more than anyone I know.

BM is scheming

queenofthedamned's picture

So, I have this gut feeling that BM is up to something. I'm not quite sure what, since my brain does not operate like a lunatic's, but maybe some of y'all who have dealt with crazy can lend some insight.

an ode to BM :)

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I love my guy – truly, he’s great
But maybe I’m a bit too late.

Although he makes me laugh, and we have fun
BM thinks she’s number one.

You see, my guy thought with his dick
And dipped his stick in a lunatic!

She’s got no style, and no brains –
She just might drown when it rains!

She cannot clean, and cannot think,
I am surprised she can even blink.

She is rude, ugly, mean and crass,
And tops it off with a saggy ass.

Not only is she one hundred percent lazy
She also sets the bar for crazy.

the twunt queen

queenofthedamned's picture

What kind of mother leaves her kids at home to attend a family friendly event just so she can afford the way overpriced beers there?

What kind of mother steals from her kids, and makes promises she’ll never ever be able to keep?

What kind of mother spends all kinds of money on tattoos for herself while sucking the government teat dry for kids WHO DON’T EVEN LIVE WITH HER?!?

What kind of mother doesn’t pay child support, or for any extras, yet won’t spend a dime on school clothes and supplies?

O/T why there should be a maturity test before marriage

queenofthedamned's picture

I know some of you will appreciate this.

I work with a lovely young girl in her early twenties who got married last year, to a dude whom I believe is her only serious relationship. Now, I know some people who get married on the young side of life, to high school sweethearts or whatever, and make a great life because they had their heads on straight when they married. Personally, I wouldn't trade the years I spent on my own as a young adult because they taught me how to handle life, but I get that other people take a different path.

he tries but....

queenofthedamned's picture

My sweet, sweet FDH tries so hard to be understanding of my peculiar circumstances (childless-not-by-choice, nearing 36 SM) but sometimes he just. doesn’t. get it.

He wants to take the skids on a quick road trip next weekend. He thinks I’m about to be as excited as he is.
I think it sounds like torture, playing pseudofamily and stuffing the four of us in one hotel room for a whole weekend. No escape when the skids get on my nerves.

I must be crazy

queenofthedamned's picture

I'd like to do something nice for BM.

When my cat died, she and skid1 got me a little memorial trinket. It was very touching and unexpected. She just lost her grandmother, and I think it'd be nice to do something similar.

My brother is dealing with the BM from hell

queenofthedamned's picture

I swear to the flying spaghetti monster that I'd knock the socks off that twunt if I lived on that side of the country.

My brother has been dealing with hell from his STBexW for over three fucking years - she WILL NOT sign the divorce papers and is PASing the shit out of my niece and nephew. In their state, divorces can drag on for a decade if one party wants to be a twunt.
