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A vent about exh deadbeats.

overit2's picture

Ok, so I see over and over vents about Bmoms, skids, and i do my fair share of bmom complaints lol...right now I just want to vent about their deadbeat dad.

You know-since they were born and before we divorced I already took on the majority of responsibility with them-hence why he never argued for custody or even took advantage of the generous visitation he was offered. He's always done the minimum.

Not to mention he's in arrears around $15-20K...but I'm not going after it (and this is w/a $500 monthly support for two kids), I carry their medical also. He was supposed to also pay half of any additional expenses not covered by insurance, co-pays or medications, vision, etc...never happened. Ok so bare minimum there.

Then to physical time...he has EOW, one weeknight a week from after school to 8pm. EOW was assigned as Fri afternoon to Sun evening-or Sat am till Monday (and he would have to take to school). Alternate Holidays based on year it is, and he got 2 wks in summer until the youngest hit 7 and then 4 weeks in summer. We get to alternate Christmas/Spring breaks also.

What he HAS done-of the 7yrs divorced-he missed countless weekends, his EOW consists of Sat 2pm to Sun 6pm. Never the weeknight, never the holidays, or weeks in summer or Xmas, Springs breaks...none of it.

Halloween-which through me over the top. I have bought the costumes, done the set up and all of it for the last 11yrs. Since the divorce 7 ago, I have always had them this day, done the shopping, all of it. One time he came over when they were already trick or treating to see them for an hour and left. I HATE HATE shopping, big crowds give me panic attacks and bad anxiety (thats why i love amazon ha!)-but here again I was this year amongst crazy crowds-kids that cant' decide what they want, and I'm losing it.

Finally we get to car and I ask-how come you guys didn't go do the costume shopping last wknd w/your dad? Get this: Mom, we did ask him, he wouldn't take us, he said just go with your mom.

WHAT THE F'in F??? Seriously...I mean the years and years of his utter disregard for responsibility with his kids just hit me all at once. All came flooding. I'm sick of it. The man is 42 f'in years OLD. GROW UP, be a dad. He lives 25min away from the kids-pick up the slack! If you work Saturday, you make your own darn sitter arrangements for the kids-that is HIS time. Just like I have to pay after school, or a babysitter or offer my parents $ to watch them while they are with me. BUT NOT HIM. EVER. He does the minimum always and gets away with it.

Bday parties-I plan, organize, invite...he shows up to enjoy it? This last bday of my oldest I left him out of it this time. I'm tired of being the nice guy.
Yesterday he called around 5pm...probably was going to see what kids were doing for halloween and possibly show up for 40min to enjoy MY hard work and expense for them to have a good halloween. My bf and i set up decorations, shopped, cleaned, dealt w/kids on candy crack all day (mine and neighbor kids)...and what you want to show up to enjoy the fun ? I never answered so I don't know and frankly there is no way I could see his deadbeat ass after all this crap.

He criticizes the place I take the boys for haircuts-i said say your guy is better-take him this wknd (past one)...deduct it from CS (just like I mentioned anytime he wants to perhaps make an effort and take them shopping for clothes or say Halloween??) and take him there. Of course kid comes back w/no haircut.

Lazy ass sucker sees them 3 1/2 days a month-per HIS choice, living 25 min away. He doesn't currently have a gf-but it was really not too different when he did-except sometimes he'd pick them up Friday.

Ok, vent out, low life morons who don't give a damn about spending time w/their kids.


skylarksms's picture

I can relate. My DS's "father" is over $23000 in arrears. He has never once had visitation with my DS. The last time he saw my DS (yes, I will say MY), he was only 6 months old. They didn't find him to start CS payments until DS was almost 10.

Sometimes when I am having a bad time, I feel REAL sorry for myself. I think how did I get the worst of BOTH worlds, psycho BM and deadbeat BD???!! Haha!

overit2's picture

No shit certainly didn't deserve BOTH ...we don't deserve one either. Our kids don't deserve to have shitty parents.

I blame myself for having married him, I was young and stupid...I didn't see the signs-we waited 4 years to start having a family-I was still reluctant because the rollercoaster had started. but he seemed to SO want to have kids and all of this he was going to do as a family. Until the child was born. I'll say he made an effort maybe the 1st year of our sons life.

I honestly will say I KNOW he knocked me up on purpose the 2nd time arround-I know it. He knew I was wanting out at that point-we had always (sorry if tmi) used withdrawl with not ONE accident. But this time he "slipped up?" Since WHEN? I was in my son had turned 1-my plan to exit this abusive marriage GONE-this would be much harder! It took me 2 1/2yrs after the birth of my youngest to get out and I never looked back. He was not interested in this 2nd pregnancy-or dr. appointments. The one appt he made was my 37wk one. My contractions had started and my blood pressure was skyrocketing. Was sent to hospital-he goes to "pick up my bag" I figured it would take him about 1 1/2hrs to get back.

They got the blood pressure under control. I was able to even walk around. I went to the hospital at about 330pm. He shows up at 1030pm...why? Oh...he was tired and took a nap. WTF?
He proceeds to lay down AGAIN and start snoring until I'm ready to push and nurses are yelling at him to get up.
He leaves the next am (which was my exh bday) to go take care of our 19mo old -he whines and complains over the phone because on HIS bday he had to stay home and be bored and have NO party or celebrating because he was 'stuck babysitting' his OWN child while I had JUSt given birth.

Oh yeah-and then didn't take anytime off either-so I was facing being home w/two kids (my parents were out of the country at the time) a newborn and 19mo old and was terrified. Came home to a wreck of a home-because shoot he already had to watch the son-he didn't feel like cleaning up. I walked in the door to this mess and questioned him-he verbally abused me so bad for about 30 min I was on the floor sobbing for him to stop and shaking.

When I had a bad car wreck preggos w/my youngest at 7 months-was taken in ambulance and they had to stop labor 3 times through the night-he showed up at hospital and promptly left...because he had to work the next day and wanted to get his dad was like are you nuts?? do you see your wife? Nope, didn't matter. My release time was noon the next day he showed up at 5.

That should show you how deadbeat one can be.

Over the years I've moved past so much and we can be civil now w/eachother-and he does better w/the kids then he did...but this shows you the flawed narcissitic abusive character of this man. He doesn't CARE about anyone or his own children.