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The chickens have come home to roost

NoWireCoatHangarsEVER's picture

DD9 had an an end of the year performance this week and SD24 attended.  She had an interesting North Korea update.  It was very, very hard for me to keep a straight face and not to smile but I somehow managed.  North Korea was audited by the IRS!!!!  You may kindly remember she is a hair dresser and owns her own salon and it used to eat my crawl how she would claim zero.  That she made zero dollars and would just spend, spend, spend, spend like crazy.  Long timers know I've been here a decade or more and I would come on here green with envy and would just cry.  That we had to give her a $1000 a month child support plus half of everything and she would just get all this plastic surgery, take all these cruises, bought a boat, and a camper, and one of those $12,000 Gator ride on golf cart thing, motorcycles, horses, a barn, a pool, an outdoor kitchen, trips to California, cruises, you name it.  We were so broke.  I was so broke.  And she still had "no money" and we had to buy so much for the kids.  Remember she had zero health insurance for the kids.  None.  And the youngest was undiagnosed type 1 diabetic and was very sickly and she would just take her to chiropractor.  And I ended up having to do a domestic partnership with my DD's father to get my stepkids health insurance.  That's the backstory.  I did a lot of crying on here.  Remember her husband, the ex best friend, owned an automotive shop and had a safe with cash in it. 

So everyone on here would say, slow and steady wins the race.  Play the long game.  Keep being you.  Keep being the sane person and sane parent.  And here are a decade or mare later cause they were 9 and 10 when I met those girls and they will be 23 next month and 24.  North Korea just in personal taxes owes $24,000.  Just in personal taxes.  SD doesnt even know what she owes for the business but she doesn't have the 24k in savings.  She has no savings.  NONE!!!!!!!  ZERO.  She is the same age as me and has no savings and a sh!t ton of debt and who knows how much she owes the IRS in her salon business taxes cause apparently according to SD she told them she was making 30k a year but is making 130k a year.  So we make the exact same amount of money and let me tell you I may not have a fancy pool and  an outdoor kitchen but I don't have debt!!! and I have a very nice retirement! and if the IRS dropped a 24k bill on me today, I could pay it!  

and then let's look at my kids.  All four of my daughters are lovely people.  They are all doing well.  They are all good people. SD24 is a good person.  In my opinion it's despite of North Korea, not because of her but I'm sure she'll say otherwise. 

SD22 (23 next month) is still not doing well.  She lost her sugar daddy so no more luxury two bedroom apartment.  I think she's homeless.  She also has to turn in the Tesla.  She's still on my health insurance.  I saw she was in the ICU last month in critical care for at least a week and then had "an encounter for pregnancy".  The code makes me think she is not pregnant any longer.  This was two weeks after the ICU stay for the diabetic episode so no job, no apartment, still isn't managing her health, and still not on birth control.       


thinkthrice's picture

Hopefully she will be on the hook for the entire amount and not be able to do a settlement with one of those tax relief agencies!!

Rags's picture

NK's debt to the IRS with penalties and interest could be $hundreds of thousands. If they find that she has perpetrated tax fraud, she could go to prison.

Lets hope her prision sentence is notable and that the resulting additional penalties and interest are so notable that she never gets out from under the consequences of her fraud.

As for SD22, uncontrolled T-1 diabetes is no joke.  Sadly, with her lack of clarity on life and of what she is, she is likely to suffer mightely with not caring for her disease.  I have been a T-1 for 43+ years and have been focused on managing my disease. Though I have avoided the serious issues with long term T-1, I do have some consequences.  If your SD-22 does not get her head in the game of managing her disease, she will suffer beyond belief.

She is about 4 years from being off of parental or SParental sponsored insurance.  If she does not have her own coverage by then, just the med costs alone will put her living in the gutter.  Maybe she needs all of those lessons.

Thumper's picture

Finally caught!!!

Sooner or later they do find themselves in some kind of pickle. It does catch up. 

Living a decent peaceful life is no match to all their bs. I wouldn't want dirty hands. 

JRI's picture

It's so, so hard to take the high road when you're living the steplife with a toxic BM like North Korea.  To keep being sane, controlling your feelings, doing the right thing.  You did it and look what you're seeing today  - a sensible life while you watch NK detonate.

I know pitifully little about diabetes but my best friend and maid of honor had it.  Her pregnancies were incredibly tough and she died young, in her twenties.  They probably have better care now but when I hear about a young woman with diabetes getting pregnant, it makes me nervous.  I hope your SD straightens up.

Rags's picture


Sadly, the care people receive, while advanced, cannot overcome willful naivete.  So many today think that managing the disease is a matter of just taking more meds.  

I cringe when I see the willful avoidance of sound blood glucose normalization methods and just scarf down high sugar, high carb stuff or shovel it down their kid's throats because little Timmy and little Tanya are crying for it. Followed by mainlining massive doses of insulin.

My SS's HS girlfriend was Dx'd as an infant.  By the time she was 15 she could not feel her feet. SS having been raised in my home knew far more than just the basics.  Avoid sugar and carbs, test, test, test, and do not, no matter what, take off your insulin pump.  His HS GF lost multiple pumps between 8th and 10th grade.  She always claimed that they were stolen.  Reality was that she took them off. My guess is that she did not like being different.

They are now in their 30s, she has yet to have children.  Her goal was to have a munch of kids.  To the point that when we sent SS to boarding school, her mother lost her shit with my DW over who was going to take her daughter to Prom and give her grandchildren.

I have no idea how the young woman's health is these days, but... no GKs for her very overbearing mother. Yet.

Harry's picture

The IRS wants there money, you can't pay the IRS if you are in jail.  These type of people survive.  They set up a payment plan and life goes on.   All you will get is she will be coming after you for money..   trying to hit that old oil well once again.  It's easier then working . 

Rags's picture

The IRS will not put you in jail for not being able to pay your taxes if you file your return. The actions can land you in jail include: Tax Evasion: Any action taken to evade the assessment of a tax, such as filing a fraudulent return, can land you in prison for five years. Failure to file a return can result in a year of imprisonment per unfiled return.

The IRS has broad enforcement capabilities.  Someone failing to accurately declare their income on their return are playing for fire.  The OPs opposition BM may be one who gets the stick due to under reporting by over $100K.  That is not a mistake, that... is fraud. That is also not having the ability to pay. Particularly when that money is going for luxury goods and vacations.  The IRS could take their home, etc..... Hopefully, the IRS does just that in this case.

IMHO of course.