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Advice needed regarding items for Ss's school

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So when we went to Ss's(stb7) parent teacher conference, the teacher advised us that the classroom was in need of hand sanitizer & dry erase markers, so Dh and I agreed to purchase a few bottles of sanitizer for the class as well as a pack of markers. Ss's school is almost an hour away and school lets out at 1:30 every day. The earliest that either Dh or myself gets out is at 3:30 (dh) buuut he picks Dd up from the babysitters so realistically he'd get to the school close to 5.

Funny things your skids have said

msg1986's picture

Dh, Ss, Dd and I went to the grocery store last weekend and while walking around Ss kept running over to different sugary drinks/sodas and was saying things like "I love this drink, I have these at my mommys!" "Oh, this ones my favorite, my mommy buys this!" etc. After about the 5th time it happened I looked at Ss and said "geez boy, don't you drink water?" and smiled. Ss looked at me and responded with "well yeah, I drink water all weekend when I'm with you and my daddy" and skipped off. The funniest/saddest part about the whole thing is the way Ss said it.

Bm still as rude as ever

msg1986's picture

Yesterday Dh and I were at a bbq and Dh gets a text from Bm who just got married this past weekend...

Bm: I'm leaving for my honey moon tomorrow and will not be back until Saturday at 7pm so you need to pick up Ss on Friday and I'll pick him up on Sunday.

Dh: That's fine but in the future it would be nice if you could ask rather than demand. You know I'd be more willing to work with you if you weren't so rude all the time. The court order says everything has to mutually agreed upon, not you texting me telling what I need to do. Have a nice honeymoon.

Any change in Bm once they hit 25/26?

msg1986's picture

So I read an article today that said that the rational part of a humans brain isn't fully developed until he/she is around 25 yrs old or so. With that being said, for those of you that came into your skids lives when the bm/biodad was younger than 25, did you see a change in their ways once they hit 26 or older?

Bm didn't even show

msg1986's picture

Dh just text me and after all the crap bm was trying to start, he said that she didn't even show to drop off Ss, she sent her fiance to do the exchange, which is fine because he's a cool pleasant guy. I just think it's funny how she is managing AGAIN to avoid her responsibilities. Meh whatever, hopefully she'll send her flunky everytime and we won't ever see her again! lol. ha, a girl can dream, right?

Bm already trying to start sh*t

msg1986's picture

So the court order regarding Ss was established last weekend. In the CO it states Bm now has Ss the last weekend of every month, therefore she kept Ss last weekend and so today will be the first time she has to Drop Ss off at our house for visitation. Anyway, last night Dh gets a text from Bm...

This is the correspondence:

Bm: Ss will be dropped off between 3:30 and 4:00 tomorrow. (the court order est last week clearly states that Ss is to be dropped off at 4pm-no earlier)

Tax question

msg1986's picture

Now that Dh has the CO that says he and Bm are to take turns claiming Ss every year, what happens if Bm goes ahead and claims Ss and it's not her year?

The court order clearly states that they are to take turns with Dh getting to claim Ss for tax year 2015 and every odd year thereafter and he also has the 8332 form sign by Bm. Knowing Bm, she will probably rush to file next year even if she's not supposed to. Have any of you been in the situation where Bm claims skid/skids even though you have the CO and the IRS forms signed. What happened?


msg1986's picture

Sooooooo Court was yesterday and it went great! DH was granted everything he was requesting!!! Bm did show up however she showed up with her mom AND Ss6, it was good though because Bm's mom had to sit out in the lobby with Ss while Bm came into the court room alone. It was obvious that Bm didn't prepare AT ALL. She came in all smug and when the lawyer and judge started to ask her questions she kept stammering and saying "...Wait, I'm confused." It was awesome.
