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HA HA HA He made me laugh

mlbltd5678's picture

Husband called bmlast night and asked about when she was going to take him for Easter. (we typically split the day in half so both sides can see him) She said she didn't have any time to take him because she had to work that day. So husband asked her if she wanted to take him for some time another day and she said she didn't have time. So when DH got off the phone ss asked when he was going to bm for easter. We told him that she had to work and so wouldn't be able to take him. This is the part I laughed at. My ss looks at me and says "Well thats good, because I didn't want to go there anyway, last year she gave me a basket and then ate all the candy anyway." I had to go in the other room and laugh. I know it is sad that he feels this way, but i can't really blame him.


stepmom2one's picture


Rags's picture

My SS loves his BioDad but also knows who the people who deeply love and support him are.

My SS is at the National Drill Team Competition in San Antonio today. My Parents drove several hours in order to spend a few hours with him and watch him compete. There was no way they were going to miss spending time with their grandson. God protect anyone who tried to tell them that my SS is not their GrandSon.

No one from his BioDad's family has ever come to see him in the 15 years the visitation judgement has been in place. BioDad has had 10 days of visitation in the fall in my SS's location that no one from his family has ever bothered using.

My parents have gone to visit him four times this year at boarding school and it takes them 12-15 hours of travel to get there.

Kids are smart. They know who truly loves them.

Best regards,

Best regards,