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Lillywy00's Blog

DisneyLand Dad....You Done F*cked Up! (Part 2)

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So this past weekend, this dude decides to bring his son here during his parenting time (his daughter declined....good!) 

Somehow this joker thinks having ONE of his kids here is easier when I would rather them BOTH have opted out. 

Anyways, everything was going fine until I go downstairs at 9:45pm and see him roaming around the house. I text Disneyland dad to inform him (he knows my stance i think he just intentionally play obtuse) that I am closing the kitchen at 10pm and the living room is closed at 11pm.

July 4th / Summer H3LL with DisneyLand Dad (Part 2)

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Disneyland dad refuses to tell me (in advance or at all) when his weekend parenting time starts/finishes so I rarely know when I have to share my space (that I pay bills in) with his obnoxious loud rule-breaking kids.

His dumb a$$ is like most idiot disneyland dads (overindulging, can't say no, lets his kids make unreasonable demands, etc). 

What pisses me off is how he never follows the court order, doesn't bother to get court order updated since their circumstances have changed, and he takes ALL of the holidays and ALL of the weekends. 

I HATE Being With This Disneyland Dad....(EVERY holiday/weekend Blows!)

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So as I quietly grow in frustration, disdain, and resentment because this dude is taking on more and more responsibility of those skids, especially during the summers (and DURING what is supposed to be his ex wife's parenting time = weekdays) instead of letting her figure out what to do with them during the weekdays while she works. 

Do You Love Your Spouse (Unconditionally) .... Be Honest lol!

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The disneyland dad claimed I did not love him unconditionally. 

And I agreed. 

I think he was taken aback. 

But somewhere he was sold some naive fantasy fairytale that most couples never experience.

That your partner/spouse will unconditionally love you

Maybe this is just me but the moment my spouse cheats, destroys our financial security, treats me our our kids abusively, etc.....I'm safely peacing out of that relationship as quickly as possible. 

Avoiding Bio Parents and Horribly Behaved Skids

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So I decided to travel this weekend (my kid is a straight A student athlete who plays elite sports) for a sporting competition for my kid. 

I am so glad i do not have to deal with my soon to be ex trying to force me into taking time away from raising my kid into excellence just to provide free childcare of *his* degenerate kids, dealing with seeing them schlep around the house all mf ing weekend, hearing/seeing them act unreasonably clingy/beg to stay beyond their welcome, and other annoying delusional bio parenting behavior/lazy entitled skid behavior 

Delusional Bio Parents Who Stupidly Spin Their Wheels

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I swear some of these bio parents have got to be the most clueless people I know.....

If it takes a village to raise a child, why do these bio parents (who have willing able healthy villages to help them) turn down help, pretend the help of the village is beyond their ability to engage with, act as if they have no resources disposable to them but instead allow their wounded egos to control their maladaptive behavior that they then push onto the step kids? 



When Bio Parents Are Clueless AF

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Ok so I have a kid free weekend and you mean to tell me you are so clueless you can't figure out how to arrange for your kid-free weekend so we can have adult time together?!? 

I'm most likely going to ditch my useless partner this weekend (until I can leave for good) while he runs himself ragged playing Mr Mom /single Disneyland dad so I can engage in guilt free adult only activities where I'm not hassled a million times a day to cater to some obnoxious clingy kids. 

Sloppy Summer Schedule H#LL

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Why is this dudes son still here after the holiday weekend? Why wasn't I consulted that he wouldn't be dropped off with his sibling like he should have been. 

Why do these bio kids with MULTIPLE kids take them back seperately instead of TOGETHER. Like no, it's not easier with less number of your kids, its easier with NONE of your kids.....

Why aren't these bio parents not using their court ordered visitation and just willy nilly sloppily scheduling their summer parenting?
