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DisneyLand Dad....You Done F*cked Up!

Lillywy00's picture

Just wanted to say how Disneyland parents (specifically dads because that's my experience)

  • run around like chicken with their head cut off,
  • waste all their money on skids non-essentials,
  • over-pay lazy BM's child support
  • allow their demanding skids/HCBM to run their life
  • get fleeced by the ex-wife/spawns B,B & C service (not that bbc the b*tch beck and call - whoever came up with that TY that's hilarious af!) which is running 24/7 and includes a negative ROI
  • and more sh*tshow f*ckery

....Then have the audacity to try to complain about lack of 'relations' LOL!!!

Well, if they only realized (I think they are aware they just would rather take the b*tch way out/keep the status quo/BBC service and hope some unsupecting woman plays along in the dysfunction than set reasonable boundaries)  that if they have no cajones/no resources/no boundaries with exes, etc., they become less and less attractive 'relations-wise' to their next partner.....



shamds's picture

Who criticise us not wanting to participate in this shitshow and why we refuse to maintain relations with those kids especially when they're toxic, resent you being together and actively tried to break you up.

Its like "geez i wonder why i don't want a relationship with them??"

Lillywy00's picture

You know how the old churchgoing folks call sex = "relations" LOL

These Disney land parents are so dysfunctional and pretend to be clueless about it then act dumbfounded when they're not getting any sex.

But yes you're absolutely right about those skids too. They are sent by the manipulative high conflict bio parent - to carry out orders (act like hell on wheels to break up a relationship so they'll have 1,000,000 to .1 chance of getting their bio parents back together) and seeing this dude pretend to be oblivious to it all enrages me and turns me off from wanting to be around him and his kids

shamds's picture

Marching orders to break up his marriage or relationship in the hopes they get back together but its about control. Control bio mum lost so bio mum may have a new husband etc but daddys can't move on because his estate, thats being spent and divided with his current wife and kids instead of just you.

Sex and intimacy is directly tied with your home environment. If you're being disrespected and abused etc, there won't be any intimacy because nothing about you is appealing right now.

my husband would say that sex is how men de-stress and recharge so if they have effed up kids and psycho exwife who make home life so toxic, its not rocket science that hubby will get bugger all.

Rags's picture

DW and I have had two events in our nearly 29 year (in 2.5 weeks) marriage where we disconnected.

The first was about 13yrs ago. We had not been intimate in quite some time.  We both got the a point where we needed a talk. We met at a restaurant after work one evening. I was expecting the "I am not happy and want a divorce" talk from her. Though overall things were still pretty good in our marriage other than the sexual disconnect.

When she told me "I am not feeling sexually fulfilled", I litterally spit soup out of my nose and started laughing. She thought I had lost my mind. As I am sure the tables around us throught as well.

I was so relieved.  After I calmed down from laughing, I told her that I loved her, and now that I understood what the problem was, we could fix it.

And we did.

We have had a recent situation very similar to that one, over the past month or two.  I have been patient.  I finally asked for a sit down and asked what was up and to please explain it to me.

We communicated. This time, though the results have been similar to that disconnection period in our marriiage, the cause is very different.  DW has had severe discomfort and shooting pain during intimacy. This has been going on for a year+.  She has seen her Docs, they have run a ton of tests. No bacterial or fungal issues, her hormones are in healthy range. We both agree and have tied it to stress.

Losing my job recently is what I was thinking had made it worse.  

We had an important heart2heart.  I have done some research, we are working through it.

Like with the first time in increasingly ancient history, just the communication has made a phenominal difference.

While sex cannot make a marriage, it certainly can end one.

It did with my first marriage when my XW was extremely sexually active extramaritally and about as entirely frigid as is possible maritally.

Fortunately, DW,and I, are both unwilling to not solve our problems.

I am truly blessed to have such an amazing partner.  As difficult as some of the conversations about behaviors that are far from a turn on are to have, they have to happen. 

If they don't, it can be a write off of intimacy in a relationship. Which can certainly end that relationship.

IMHO of course.

Lillywy00's picture

That's awesome that you try to communicate as best as possible with each other. 

I wish my partner were more mature and better communicator. Would probably make dealing with step life a lot easier thats for sure.