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Happy post

kathleen's picture

Yesterday turned into a very nice anniversary. We went out to a friend's ranch where we got married with some of our extended family. We rode horses, sat around the pool to watch the sunset and drank white wine. (sorry no red was offered). Then we drove home and on the drive we had one of those "real" talks. It was great. Sometimes when we feel so far apart and the gap seems to divide us, we really aren't that far away as we think. When we talked we saw how we were both thinking and feeling the same way and yes it brought us closer. So very good for us.

Stopped at the best Thai restaurant in town to get take out and I tried with all my might to get my daughter to sleep in her own room so we could, you know what. Well by the time I got her to sleep and came downstairs, DH had the table set, two glasses of wine, and take out on plates. Before my first bite, little miss sunshine appears, arrrgh. Upstairs again we went. My husband came in a few hours later to wake me up and take me to bed.

So it didn't end quite as we planned but it was still really nice. We finished celebrating this morning by putting our tiny dumpling in front of the t.v. (bad mom. bad mom)

Anyway. Thanks for your support yesterday. It had a happy ending. Smile


Sita Tara's picture

Always fill your marriage up first or there won't be anything to flow over for the kids Smile
Peace, love, and red wine(white wine will do in a pinch!)

h7's picture

I'm really glad everything went well for you. You deserve it. Have a good weekend!
