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No surprise, No showers

ITB2012's picture

Since I told DH that we would parent our own kids, with no negotiation anymore, it means I make sure to say nothing about the skids  in relation to any parenting. I do respond in conversations minimally (I broke a bit the other day with the gym membership) but I make sure to say nothing otherwise unless it affects me in a way I cannot work around.

Of course I still notice things but I make no comments. One of the things I was trying to work around was showers but since I say nothing, DH doesn't think of it. And unsurprisingly no skid (18, 16.5) has showered in all the days they've been at the house. And it's obvious; the towel bars are bare.

What is it with skids not showering? Ooh, maybe it's like the other house rules and I'm punishing the skid and DH by having the skid take a shower. Well, at least now no one is being punished with cleanliness.


tog redux's picture

I think I've taken a shower pretty much every day since age 15, with a few off days here and there.  I don't get these older teens not bathing.

ITB2012's picture

And DS at least did a face and hands wash if he didn't fully bathe starting at two and he's showered every day since he was six.

No idea why with the skids there wasn't at least a schedule of bathing, like every Wednesday and Saturday. Even BM has confessed she has trouble getting them to shower.

I don't get it. You start them on things that are "just what you do" when they are old enough to be taught to do it.

tog redux's picture

When I was a kid, we definitely didn't bathe every day, but by the time I was old enough to care about boys (maybe 13?) I certainly did.  We did get thrown in to wash up when we had been outside playing, but standards were different then in terms of kid baths.

I never understand how teens who are interested in the opposite sex can avoid bathing so much.

Cbarton12's picture

Yeah I dont get the not showering. 

Younger kids go through that stage. Heck I went through that stage very young of not wanting to shower. 

But teens who are borderline adults? That's gross.

Rags's picture

My XW had the intermittent funk problem due to lack of consistent showering.  Nothing is quite as nagging as stinky body in your presence.  Day after day makes it that much worse.

Skids/Kids should have to go to the back yard, strip down and bathe with Dawn dish soap and Brillow pads if they reach their teens without figuring out the bathing thing.  If it is good enough to scrub oil covered little bunny rabbits and duckies it is safe for kid bodies.

Harry's picture

That the big question???  That is abuse to you and your home having SK smell it up.  How can you eat at the table with them?

Siemprematahari's picture

Why is this not a problem for your H??? How & Why does he allow this? This is disgusting on so many levels. Kids that don't wash their @ss and your H gets upset because you want them to have good hygiene....I'll never get it!

ITB2012's picture

That's the answer I get. I wonder if they have a genetic odor detection disorder. DS and I can definitely smell it.

And please remember that having them do anything that's not looked at as fun is punishment.