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I swear neither of DH's kids got any DNA from him...

halo1998's picture

Neither of them got anything from him......not a thing.

DH is a resonably intelligent man.  I've watched him figure out complex computer science hardware/software issues with ease without cracking a sweat.  He is funny and can pretty much name any song by just hearing a few lyrics..the man can kill it at name that tune.

His kids...I'm sorry but they are dumber than post, both of them. Its like all of Beaver's stupidity flowed right into the skids and negated anything that they might have gotten from DH.

The latest is SD has a birthday soon.  Its a milestone birthday so we asked what she wanted for that birthday.  FOR MONTHS....she then decides at the last minute to do a bowling party..ok....we find a place and secure a party date etc.  DH tells SD you have invite 10 people to this party.  SD give him a list and the invitations go out....and no one RSVPs so DH doesn't have a final count.  He tells SD you need to get with your friends and figure out who is going....the date arrives when we have to give the venue a final count...cause you know they NEED TO PLAN.  SD has two people that have RSVP'd and she has no idea on the others.  We give a final head count of 8 and figure that should be sufficient.  As of 2 days before we had 2 girls RSVP....I go and get gift bags and get enough for 6  since we only 2 girls RSVP and she only invited 10...and we knew for sure one girl couldn't go as we are friends with her mom and dad.

Apparently SD translated .....get a final head count into INVITE MORE PEOPLE WITHOUT ASKING OR TELLING ANYONE. All of sudden a day and half and 12 people have RSVP'd....DH WAS LIKE WTF...he calls SD at her moms..and is like WTF is going on.  I have the list you gave me and some of these people aren't even on the list. 

SD..well you said I could invite people.   DH....i DID NOT TELL YOU COULD INVITE MORE PEOPLE.  I TOLD YOU TO GET A FINAL HEADCOUT.  You didn't do that so we planned for 8 and NOW WE HAVE 12.  How do you think this is going to work..the bowling alley hasn't planned for this, we haven't planned for this.  SD.. I DIDDDDDNNN''TT KNOOOWWWWW... better start uninviting people..because you have a maximum of 8 right now and I might be able to get the bowling alley to add 2 but that is it.  Now we have to go out and get more gift bags, etc.

SD...I didnt' know..I thought I could just invite people.  You said I could invite people.


Ok...seriously at 16 who doesn't know you can just keep inviting people to a party you are not paying for or planning.  I mean SD trying to pull a fast one or is she just that stupid.  You be the judge...

And this is why I'm not pushing for SD to get a license or car....I mean you can't figure out inviting people to a way in hades should you be driving.


hregal2011's picture

I say the same thing about my SD. She is 16 and just clueless in life.  My DH is responsible and uses his head to figure shit out but her...Well let's just say she is old enough to drive but isn't because she cannot figure out how to Keep on her mom about signing up for driver's Ed. At this point in life, you should be very much self advocating and she does not.  We have a truck sitting here for the girl but she rather sit in her room all day every day and talk to her friends she has never even met (online ppl).  I So feel your pain! SD's last 16th  b day DH took the day off to go to Salem with her (she is into the whole witches/devil stuff)..they went Just Them because she had complained she doesn't get enough time with DH..she didn't talk 90% of the time and then got mad and yelled at DH for opening her doors...(he has always been a gentleman) I'm getting ready to have to deal with her today-Sunday...Not looking forward to it..

dragonfly878's picture


Rags's picture

That could be really bad for the species.

SParents should be the ones to issue breeding permits for their StepSpawn.  That might minimize this kind of crap in future generations.


Ispofacto's picture

If DH told her she needed AT LEAST ten people, and a bunch she invited waffled before declining, I could see how she might've thought she could and should backfill those slots.


halo1998's picture

the people she invited originally she talks to every single day so its not like she couldn't find out if they were going.  DH told her he made the final head count with the bowling alley 8....he told her he paid for 8.....

ndc's picture

Did anyone TELL SD that you'd given a headcount of 8 and were doing gift bags for 8?  If not,  I can understand the teenage brain thinking more people should be invited.  It sounds like something I would have done as a teen,  since I was clueless about planning, headcounts and the like (not to mention that it was all about me when I was that age). It's frustrating for everyone else, though.  I hope the party goes well!

halo1998's picture

repeatedly.  Dh told her when he turned in the final count...he told her almost every day.  She has been told over and over..

ndc's picture

Ugh! That is really frustrating. Even my evil teenage self (and I was a handful for my parents) wouldn't have invited 12 when I knew the count was 8. Is she dumb or does she just not care about anyone else?

shamds's picture

My husband is well established in his career, goes the extra mile, hates half arsed work, is generous to  those in hardship it charity etc, he's very dedicated snd selfless.

however skids are exact replicas of bio mum, all 3 of them. My husband even said in private its such a shame not one of them got any of hubbys genes which isn't surprising as bio mum did everything she could to alienate them and teach them to manipulate others.

eldest sd studied the exact degree my hubby didnexoecting that after 5 plus yrs going no contact that hubby would be jumping for joy but sd, nothing about her personality, lack of skills makes her suitable yet alone be successful in the same career sd followed.

my 2 kids with hubby, inherited so much from hubby. His friendly personality, empathy, they apologise when in the wrong, they take initiative, help out, they look like hubby. My husband has repeatedly said to me he actually loves our kids more because of all the crap of exwife has rubbed off on skids.

thinkthrice's picture

Chef can fix, build, repair anything and a hard worker.  The Gir is lazy, entitled and has no talent other than breeding.   All 3 ferals took after the Gir.

strugglingSM's picture

Same here...and we had the exact same thing with the party, except we only had four people coming (SS had said for weeks that he had "at least 10 people to invite) and we had to pay for 12. Then, none of the attendees signed the waivers DH sent. The day of they were miraculously all signed by BM. And then no one's parents could give them a ride, so we had to drive everyone. To be honest, I think BM undermined the entire thing because she was mad that their birthday fell on DH's weekend.

DH was reasonably athletic as a child and teen, has a handsome face, was an extremely cute baby, is extremely tall, and was always very driven. Both SSs are lazy, unathletic, were not cute babies, are not tall, and neither one is overly attractive. Neither one looks anything like DH. DH assumed his "genes were weak"...then DD was born and she's his twin. Neither SS looks much like BM either. They were born through IVF and sometimes I wonder if they are in fact, related to DH. 

Rags's picture

She has zero characteristics of any of my IL clan.  Everyone knew it and it was the 10,000 pound pink elephant in the room.

Meanwhile a few years later and back at the ranch, surprise,  BIL2's DW had been cheating the whole time.  Ultimately he decided to let it slide and did not boot the adulterous DW out.  So, now the IL clan has this petite little Hispanic niece at the ankles of the giant Teutonic  cousins.  BIL1's adopted twins fit the middle ground between our youngest niece and the rest of our IL clan nieces  and nephew.  

Everyone loves the youngest niece and the twins just as we all love the other IL clan spawn.  My ILs get that part right.

Just as my family has regarding SS-29.  

occasionally people can get it right.

Rags's picture

shares zero with both sides of his gene pool as far as behaviors and performance.  He favors my family regarding behavior and performance, as does my incredible bride.

They both will usually comment after a SpermLand visit how they have little in common with the SoermLand relatives.

But I feel the same about my extended family.