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SD May be Spending the Holidays in a Padded Room

English's picture

SD15 has been with BM since the Tuesday before Thanksgiving. Although I was apprehensively thankful for this turn of events, it made me anxious that she could just as quickly re-appear as she did the last time.

Apparently BM decided to go away this weekend and tried to pawn SD off on teenager friends and then SD's 1/2 sister (where SD didn't want to go) so SD took off for the weekend. The police told BM the last time that SD15 ran away that if SD does this again, upon her return BM is to take her to the emergency room for evaluation which BM did Monday night. After being questioned by the police and the health professionals, they decided that she needed further observation in a psychiatric facility(I guess because she was being defiant towards them?). The part that doesn’t make any sense to me is that BM has been taking SD to concerts (she took her to one the weekend before Thanksgiving and another one just recently). When DH asked BM how she possibly though that could be a good idea BM started off with, “I don’t know what else to do to get through to her,” then it changed to, “She passed her drug test this week and I thought it was a good reward,” then to, “It was a birthday gift.”

He said to me, “It’s like trying to work with the village idiot and a 4 year old. There’s just nothing I can say or do to get through to either of them.” DH just thinks it's a lost cause and many believe that the stone is already cast.

I told DH yesterday that BM needs mental help just as much as SD. It’s like BM is setting SD up for failure. When one of you made the point that BM "created the monster by treating her like a best friend during her parents' break up and now that BM has a boyfriend, she’s rejecting SD and acts bewildered as to why SD is acting this way," or something to that effect, it was like a new light was shed on the situation. I think SD really is mentally ill but I think BM contributed a tremendous amount to that end.

Oh, and please tell me why BM would think going away for the weekend when she has a troubled teenager in her custody would be a good idea? As DH says, “SD should be on total lockdown until she can start acting like a human being.” No tv, no ipod, no computer, no hanging out with friends period. BM doesn’t see it that way. You’re 15 and about to be expelled from the School System, why don’t you stay with friends this weekend or better yet, let me take you to a concert because you went for a few days without smoking pot! There’s some coherent logic for ya!

And to top if off, it's not like BM is new to the parenting game, she has 3 other children that have made it through to adulthood and are productive members of society why is it all falling apart now?


h7's picture

My family friend was 13 when she found her father dead. Her mother basically threw her away like an unwanted sock. So the girl acted out & acted out. It didn't take long for everyone to label her & treat her like she was a bad kid. All she was doing was trying to force her mother to step up & act like a mom... be responsible & unconditionally love her like moms are supposed to. It didn't happen.

What I did for her was care about her. I gave her value, told her she was one of my best friends. When she told me her dreams I supported her & told me she should go for it. I think that helped her enough to not destroy herself... she was cutting herself for a while. She was around people who would just yell at her, but I was gentle when I told her that everyone was upset because they care about her. So the last time she wanted to cut she checked herself into a hospital to get help. What a mature thing for a 17 year old to do! She lived from family friend to family friend... didn't live with me because she knew I was too strict, but I gave her that choice. Forcing her would have turned her into a runaway. She went to a school for troubled children & graduated on time.

Now she's 20, married, & has a day job making good money. She has her life together & I'm so proud of her. Of course, she's ignoring me... I've got to find out what's going on. I wonder if she thinks I'm mad at her or something. Probably. Yeah, she still has issues, but who doesn't? I can forgive her, I was 20 once.


When you wish upon a falling star, your dreams can come true. Unless it's really a meteorite hurtling to the Earth which will destroy all life. Then you're pretty much hosed no matter what you wish for. Unless it's death by meteor.

English's picture

that some are able to turn things around given that they are able to find support from somewhere. I don't know if my SD will be as fortunate as she has essentially burned every bridge with each and every person that has extended help to her (me being one of the many). Some have been burned only once and some have given her repeated chances but at some point everyone gets fed up and abandons their efforts.

Frankly I'm scared of her and I have 3 boys that I feel I need to do everything in my power to protect even if it's simply from bad influences. I'm sad for her but hoping that she can get some help because nothing up until this point has been a positive influence.

"Bitter? Table for ONE..."

Most Evil's picture

I am trying to understand this BM myself but I can't. Is she smoking pot too? The whole thing just seems fishy somehow, like you don't have all the information? Is someone hiding something, if so, who, what? Very mysterious. . .

Most Evil

"Fortune favors the brave" - Virgil

English's picture

I have wondered (to myself) if there was sexual abuse here either from SD's 1/2 brother or his friends when he lived at home. I don't know what the signs are but I agree with you that her behavior seems mysterious/likke she's hiding something. If it were my child I wouldn't be able to rest until I had an explanation.

"Bitter? Table for ONE..."