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Now I'm supposed to go to AA meetings with ss... what fresh hell is this?

Chopped_Liver's picture

Hilarious that the man whose antics make me want to drink myself into oblivion wants me to attend AA meetings with his kid. I am just so tired. Everyday is yet another struggle against the entropy of dh denial and ss worthlessness not to mention my growing suspicion that I have NEVER made a good decision in my life. I take that back, I did make one - when I decided to NOT have children. But I found a way to nullify that by hooking up with dh and his kid. Yup. Batting .1000 over here...


Eyes Wide Open's picture

WTF?????!!!!! Why on earth does he want you to go to HIS kids AA meetings? I mean, it's DH's mess, not yours. Geeze Louise, these MEN are ridiculous!

Anywho78's picture

Ummm...he does know that AA is for the alcoholic and NOT for the family of alcoholics, doesn't he? Is he worried your SS won't follow thru if you don't go with him??

Either way, I'd tell HELL NO!

starfish's picture

so agree with dab~!!

the drink in the 7-up bottle was a joke... the humor didn't seem well recieved.... oops!

alwaysanxious's picture

wait so why are you being asked to go. Its not any of your concern really is it??

caregiver1127's picture

Chopped Liver my first husband was in AA and you cannot go to their meetings anyway - only people who are alcoholics can go to the meetings - you can attend some of the open meetings but the real meetings you can't go to - so you can't attend unless you are ready to go through the 12 step program - is your SO that much of an idiot - it is Anonymous for a reason if you go then it is no longer anonymous!! Tell your SO you will not lie and say that you are an alcoholic to help your SS - I have not read your background but to me this would be my cue to get the hell out of dodge!!!