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Sd15 Caught Again!!!! This is getting old!

canigetabm's picture

So SD15 got caught sneaking a boy in @12:30am last night. Taking away the computer and phone are NOT working. She just got them back last night after her last "stunt". You ST'ers are awesome what are some different discipline ideas that will catch a teenagers attention?


canigetabm's picture

We have security camaras on the front and back door so sneaky uses the side garage door and let's them in "unseen"...where they also have to jump a locked fence......

AllySkoo's picture

I'd take the door off her bedroom as well. She's lost all rights to "privacy", and it's harder to sneak a boy in when you don't have anywhere to hide them.

StepKat's picture

I would old school. A very basic alarm system that makes the most horrendous and loud scream any time a window is open from the inside or outside. And only you would have the code for it.