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She changed her mind AGAIN!

Beautiful Dreamer's picture

Okay so BM² told DH 2 weeks ago he could pick up SS and yesterday she told him no cuz of a family reunion. DH told MIL and MIL told him he should try and get him anyway. Ugh! Idk what to think. DH said he was not going to fight with BM² about it and then BM² told him to call her to see where she is at later on on Sunday so I'm guessing she might try and stop by MIL's house on her way back home. I would prefer that only because my MIL is a no b.s type and isn't a fan of BM² at all. She could easily get BM² into check if she starts talking about my pregnancy (that she still doesn't know about) and I know BM² will not be pleased that no one especially MIL didn't tell her.