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Riiiiight he wants you back

Beautiful Dreamer's picture

Does anyone else's BM believe even though DH left them that DH wants them back? Cuz BM² claims that she could get DH back even though he left her! Its been 6 yrs and she now says she is glad she doesn't have to be in a relationship with him anymore and thanks God that he is with me. If all that is true then why would she be snooping online for info on us?


discfocused's picture

Haha.. bm spent first 2 years that me and fdh were together giving him ultimatums. "you have to marry me this April or you can't see the kids".... She saw us at Walmart one day... OMG. The psycho followed us from the shampoo isle to the check out yelling about how she wished she had her "other phone" on her because he had been texting her trying to get back with her. But then she contradicted her self and yelled at him "I cant believe you left me for that trailer trash"----says the women who lets her children run the streets (getting hit by cars) in the ghetto and has a different man move in every few months. The last one was fresh outta jail and another one moved out of her house and into jail. When we walked outta Walmart, all I could do was laugh.
SHe is a nut case and I think they do that because they are embarrassed that the guys left them. Rightfully so.....

bi's picture

bm doesn't act like that, but my ex does. he likes to tell everyone he left me. he left me physically, because i kicked him out. i am the one who made the decision to be done. he likes to tell everyone he divorced me, when in fact if i hadn't filed and paid for a divorce, we would still be married now, 12 years later. he even went so far as to try to stop me from filing! he told me i didn't need to, because he already did. he said it in a "fuck you" tone. great! that was gonna save me a grand! i waited 2 weeks, and nothing. so i called his bluff and told him i was filing. he screamed at me that he was NOT lying, he DID file, but the courthouse lost the papers. mmmkay. i told him if that were the case, they would just draw them up again. i'm not stupid, he never filed. i think he actually got his mom to give him money for it, then blew it and made up that idiotic story to explain the disappearance of money and no divorce papers. she actually believed him!

anyway, he likes to tell everyone that i bother him all the time, i won't leave him alone, i'm hung up on him, etc. i never see him, i never talk to him, i don't know where he lives and never have, i have never had a phone number for him. he has called numerous relatives digging for info about me and has even shown up at an aunts house a few times wanting to know my number and address, then he showed up at my place at 9am on a saturday morning, unannounced. many times he has shown up unannounced and refused to leave until i was on the phone with the police. i had to get a RO against him. he never refers to me as his ex, it's always exWIFE. he makes sure to let the world know he was married to me. he shows up at my gramma's once in a while, trying to pretend he's family and has a right to be there. i never see or speak to his family. but yeah. i'm hung up on him and he just can't get rid of me, i won't leave him alone.

somebody lives in la la land.

smdh's picture

Lazy McCrazy absolutely believes that my dh would run back to her in a heartbeat if she would have him depsite the fact that he left her and she BEGGED him to come home for months. She cried, she threatened, she pleaded. She has revised history to a point that it is unrecognizable.

bi's picture

she sounds just like my exdh. i did have a moment of panic after i ended it and was scared of the unknown and thought it might be better to just stay with his loser ass because at least i knew what to expect, but that crazy thought was short lived. he likes to hang on to that and use it to try to validate his insane fantasy that i really actually want him back, despite having had one bf for 4 years after divorcing ex, and being with fdh for over 7 years now and having a 4 year old son with him. yes, these are the actions of a lunatic who can't let him go. :?