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One day at a time...

aniQ's picture

A lot of you have read my story before. About six months ago SS9 said at school that I had hit him and child services came upon us. It wasn't true, but that didn't keep anyone from hating me. SS9 also said that I had made him eat vomit, I had thrown his clothes out of the window and that I continued to hit him every time they are at my house. He assured child services that he was 100% scared for his life and that he didn't want to come to my house.

His mother, whom I had managed to have a good and even friendly relationship with up to then, believed everything he said and decided to get me fired from my job at a kindergarten. Then I wasn't allowed to see the boys for about 3 months while CPS investigated our case.

After a while, CPS understood that this was a damaged child, but it wasn't because of me. The kid had a lot of issues because of his parents' break up and blamed me for it. However, his mother had just shacked up with her new bf and his two children and had made SS9 change to another school which was closer to their new home. All of these things affected SS9 deeply and that's why he was causing so much trouble.

He's now in therapy and getting lots of help. He has been diagnosed with ADHD and some type of emotional disconection as well. He is seriously screwed up and the pshychologists say that he won't get any better for many years (about the emotional disconection) but want to treat the ADHD with meds.

The problem is that after all that has happened, noone has come to apologize to me for destroying my life. BM swears that her son never said that at school, and that it was the school nurse who invented all those things. She also thinks that it is not her fault that SS9 is screwed up because she had a right to redo her life after the break up, (which I agree with, but not at the cost of her son's health - but how was she to know that that would happen?) In any case, I wish that someone (other than our family therapyst) would acknowledge the fact that my life was close to destroyed because of this child. I think that I'm still angry and really can't move on and I get provocked by the smallest issues. I can't stand him anymore, no matter what he does and I'm having a lot of trouble accepting him in my house (where he's supposedly so cared to go to). Now every time he walks through the door I feel literally sick. I get nausiated and I start crying without a reason.

All the therapy we have gotten during the last year has helped a lot, but I need closure. I need to know that these people understood my pain and regret doing what they did. In the end, BM did me a favor because since I got fired from the kindergarten, I went and got myself a job as an architect which is what I'm educated in. Why wasn't I working in that in the first place? Well, I've only been living in this country for about 2 years. I met my husband on a trip and we got married very spontaniously and quickly. Then I moved here and I didn't speak the language so I had to take the first job available and that was the kindergarten. So yes, I'm thankful because she made me get my ass in gear, but she won't acknoledge that her children hurt me. She wants me to put up with it and not say a word. She wants me to have all the responsibilty of being a mother but without the authority, the respect and of course without any love.

As for SS5, I have to say that he was my favorite. I had a great time with him in the beginning. We were good friends and loved eachother and I always took really good care of him. Not that I didn't want to do the same with/for the others, but they didn't let me. SS5 did. The problem now is that he gets manipulated by SS9 so he has begun to lie as well. He said that I hit him in Disney Land last year and he says that he also is scared of coming to my house. What sucks is that now I actually give them reasons to be scared. I can't help it. I'm acting like an 8-year-old out of frustration and behaving worse than they are. I just can't stand them. They make me sick.

And then there's SS16. He's another story. He lives with us because his mother is a piece of work. He's from a different mother than SS9 and SS5, and she's even worse than this one. She's a nutcase. She has 3 kids with 3 different fathers and she gave them all away about 8 years ago because she had a new bf and he didn't want her to have kids. If you ask me, the man is a genious. How do I make my DH get rid of his children? No idea...

Anyway, this woman is my worst nightmere. She keeps sending me horrible sms telling me that I should die, that I should kill myself, that I need to be history in her sons's life etc... without any reason. I know SS16 hasn't gone to her and lied to her about me. They have very little contact and he absolutely hates her. So where are all of these messages coming from? My guess is from SS9 and SS5's mother. They used to hate eachother but I guess now they have someone in common to hate, so they have become allies. This is torture. My problems with SS16 aren't bad. He's actually a pretty good kid for 16, but he's a teenager and I'm 28. Not old enough to be his mother, not young enough to be his friend. It leaves me in a strange position but I'm dealing with it.

Then there are the cultural differences. I'm afraid that if I get started on that, I won't be able to stop, but just to summarize it: It's difficult. These children have no discipline and no respect for their elders. They do as the wish, eat what they want when they want and talk to their parents as if the parents were morrons. It is totally different from how I was brought up and I have a hard time accepting it. I have therefore made rules for the house and created discipline and harmony and there you have it. That's the main reason why they hate me.

DH is awesome. When we're alone, everything is great. I really love him to death, but he comes with way too much baggage. Sometimes I just don't feel like I can take it anymore. I'm going insane.... We're trying therapy, we have read all the books there are to read, we have taken all the good advice in the world but things just don't feel to be in place. The problem is no longer the kids. The problem is me. I don't want them. I don't like them and I don't know how to deal with them. I can't even describe how I feel...

Any thoughts?


aniQ's picture

Where I was going, (got distracted and forgot my point) is that today DH is meeting with CPS because the weekend before last when they were with us, I screamed at SS9 and told him that if he didn't stop lying he would keep destroying everyone's lives. CPS had told us not to mention it to him so that he doesn't feel unloved and unwelcome. But I did scream and he said it in his next meeting with the psycologists and then they decided to "spare me" some of the trouble and instead of the kinds coming to my house the next weekend, my husband was to go to his parents' house and spend the weekend there. Needless to say, that didn't play well with me. They are going to allienate me from the only family I have in this country and take my husband away from me to please the kid's need? NOPE!!! So I sent a letter to CPS and they called in for a meeting. I can't go there unfortuantely because I have to work (and really don't want to see BM's face), so DH has to go there and solve the issue for us. They will also talk about what's going to happen with the vacation. DH has them for 2 weeks every summer but last year it was hell for all of us. So my thought is, why put us all in a situation that EVERYONE knows doesn't work?
But to be realistic, what will probably happen is that I have to suck it up and shut up and deal with it and eat my words. So, is there any advice on what to do when the kids are in your home for 2 weeks straight? My solution was to fly to my home country but I can't afford that, so instead I'm gonna work and not take vacation. But I'll still see them every evening and for 3 weekends straight. That's just too much. What do I do?

Rags's picture

So, the whole victim mode and not taking control is not working for you. It does not work for anyone.... ever. So .... kick some ass. File a civil suit against the BM that made all of the false allegations against you. Ruin her. Take her life away and hold her accountable for her actions. File any applicable criminal suits also.

Pull the school authorities, CPS, medical people in to the legal campaign against the BM. They will testify that they did not initiate any false allegations because apparently that is the truth. Also, sue the day care who fired you.

Though the whole event resulted in very good things for you professionally that does not alleviate the evilness of their actions and the consequences you suffered. So make them suffer 10 fold.

As for SS-5 and SS-9 .... once you have begun the systematic destruction of their manipulative, vitriolic lying sack of shit of a mother and are on the journey to make her a homeless destitute POS likes she deserves to be .... you lay down the law. There are rules, they will follow the rules or they will suffer the consequences. Accountability includes corporal punishment and considering the consequences that the false allegations caused you need to give your DH absolute clarity that he will be the one to blister bare kid ass with a belt for lying or any other infraction.

Corporal punishment is legal in every state of the US and it is very effective tool to address behavioral issues ... particularly lying.

A belt to bare kid ass applies to all of your Skids and any BKs you have in the home for applicable infractions. Including the 16yo if he is participating in the bullshit behavior.
Though your Skids may be damaged by their idiot BMs they must still be held accountable for their own behavior and bear the consequences for their behavior and decisions or they will just perpetuate the lying vitriolic crap of their BMs.

The BM of the oldest Skid should also be neutralized by a full legal assault. You sue her each and every time she does anything that could remotely be construed as defamatory to you.
File terroristic threat criminal charges for her texts.

Facts are not good or bad, they are just facts. The behavior that generated the facts is what you action against when dealing with the Skids or their spawning wombs.

Document everything. Texts, e-mails, telephone calls. Print hard copies of everything, keep voice mail messages from the BMs, record any telephone calls with them whether they call or you or your DH do. Verify in your state the laws on recording your own calls. Some states allow it without notifying the other party on the call. Texas had this law and may still. We used it to good result. There is no way anyone can lie when you push play on the recording of a vitriolic telephone rant. Research the BM’s backgrounds and get documentation on anything that may be useful. Arrest records are particularly useful and a criminal record is even better. If they don’t have arrest or criminal records then use their illegal behavior (threats, false allegations, etc…) and build a nice arrest/criminal record for them. With the crap they are doing you will have them flopping on the hook in no time.

Generally I am not a particularly strong believer in litigious action but in this case owning the ignorant asses of the BMs will give you control over them. So I would do it were I you.

As nice and wonderful as your DH may be when the two of you are alone, he needs to reach between his legs, grab a big old handful of sack, give his balls a squeeze and step up on being a man, father and husband.
If he won't take the initiative to parent, get his spawn under control and beat his poor selection of baby mammas in to submission then you are going to have to lead him through the process.

In a blended family situation it is imperative that the SOs/Spouses in a relationship commit to making the marriage the priority. A strong marriage is the key. Any kid whether step or bio benefits from the strong adult relationship at the core of the family but the marriage takes priority … period and always.

I have zero tolerance for this kind of bullshit. My own 18+ year StepDad experience dealing with my son's SpermClan and SpermIdiot taught me that the side of the blended family equation with the best knowledge of the CO and any supplemental local jurisdictional rules, state laws, etc... and has the testicular fortitude to hold the blended family opposition in compliance to the CO and any supplemental and state rules will ultimately beat the opposition in to submission.

My own wife struggled with holding the SpermClan accountable for their bullshit because she was afraid that they would take it out on my SS when he was on SpermLand visitation. For years (a few but not too many) she would not beat them in to submission. Finally I asked her if her reticence was saving SS from their toxic bullshit and manipulations. That finally sparked her to take control. After that she/we kept a copy of the CO and supplemental rules rolled up and handy and we beat the snot out of the SpermClan when they so much as thought about deviating. If they did anything we could legally action we actioned. Even if it was marginal as far as legal action we had our attorney fire off a strongly worded though veiled threat of legal action if they did not do what they were told when they were told.

The SpermClan never crossed the criminal line or even the civil line. Their crap was limited to family court. The BMs you are dealing with have crossed the line in my layman's opinion and you should take them for every penny and apply every consequence that you can.

Make sure you act professionally and in as even tempered a manner as possible. Stay calm, learn the CO and the process. The CO et al are great tools for controlling the opposition but you have to be prepared to live by the CO on your end of things also. The good news is, at least in our case, once you get the opposition pummeled in to submission they quit fightign and questioning which eventually lets you dictate whether what you dictate is in the CO or not.

Go kick some ass!

All IMHO of course.

aniQ's picture

I live in Norway. The whole reason CPS is on my ass is because the kid said I had hit him, so that's not an option. It is 100% against the law to hit a child in any way. Not even a slap in the bum or anything like that. But if you ask me, he deserves a few good slaps.

Suing is also not an option. In Norway people can't just sue eachother for fun. I would have to get a lawyer and prove to my lawyer that I have been seriously affected by all the things they do. I have already consulted. No lawyer thinks I have a case because the kindergarten can just say that they didn't need me anymore. I was only a substitute, but I worked full time.

But I like the way you put things. It isn't working for me to be the victim, so I have to put an end to it. The one thing I learned though, is that if I play dirty, they play dirtier which is not the goal. I just want to put all of this behind me and move on with my life. I want to be a part of this family and start my own family as well. So there aren't really than many choices for me. If my husband doesn't do his job, defend me and make his children behave, I have to leave. I've been putting it off because if I leave my husband I have to leave the country. But some things are just not worth it...

aniQ's picture

I wish that were true. I am not his priority and I understand that. Anyone who has children always puts them before anything else. I would probably do the same if I had any children of my own. But it isn't a matter of being nr. 1. My goal is to be a part of it, not allienate myself from the only family I have.

I have tried banishing the kids. Doesn't work. DH spent tons of time away with them so I don't get to see him either.

I just have to accept them or leave... those are my choices. That's why I'm taking it one day at a time. If I leave, I leave for good. If I leave my husband, I have to leave the country and will be difficult to come back if I change my mind. So I'm giving it a chance and seeing if I can make it work.

Suing is not an option. I live in Norway and civil suits are very difficult. I have met with lawyers and noone thinks that I have a case... They all mean that it is just a matter of an apology, and to be honest, I'd be happy if I got one.

aniQ's picture

Nope, no hitting. And yes, Norwegians can do that but I'm Colombian. Can't come and go as I please and my residence permit right now is dependant on my marriage. It will be like that for 2 more years and then I can have permanent residency. But I just don't know if I want to waste my life waiting for a chance to leave my husband. I can leave, I have a place to go. I have a family in Colombia who loves me and I'll be ok. But I don't want to make any rash decisions either.

aniQ's picture

Yes, education is free. There are some high skilled immigrant programs but they're a hassle. Since I already have a job, my only option would be to have my company sponsor me but again, it's a hassle. I don't know what I'm gonna do.

oneoffour's picture

I doubt you will ever get anyone to admit they were wrong. But the best thing to do (and it takes some getting used to) is live a happy good life. Ignore the hatemail, ignore the accusations. Be prepared for DHS to be in your life for some time to come. But live YOUR life.
Find a hobby that can consume your time when your younger ssons are there. Just make sure it is protected enough that they do not destroy it. For EG, you decide to scrapbook. Do not leave your projects out for them to destroy. Find something for YOU. I love taking photos and using to create photobooks and tweak photos in photoshop-type programmes. It is all stored on my computer and NO ONE can access it.

As for your SS16, I would consider you to be an 'aunt' type figure. Someone he can talk to, someone who can intercede when things get rough with DH and SS16.

There are rude children the world over including the USA. Only the other day some brat stood in the middle of our street and wouldn't move so we could drive past. When we eventually did so he yelled abuse at us. DH slammed on the brakes and the kid ran into his house. Kids think they have control but they don't. Not really. If you act like their emotionally destructive behaviour doen't ever register on your radar they back down VERY fast. Be very nice, very clam. They will up the ante but continue on the calm path and they will buckle. It is all about who blinks first.

starfish's picture

wish i had some advice for you, but the visiting at your inlaws instead of your home sounds like a blessing to me. i agree with 1o4, but i would suggest a hobby/activity that is more social, so you can develop a "family" away from home and you won't feel so alienated.

love this:

"If you ask me, the man is a genious. How do I make my DH get rid of his children? No idea... "

if you ever figure out how to do it, please share!! }:-)