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aniQ's Blog

Update after 4 - 5 months.

aniQ's picture

I know it's been a while since I last posted. For me it means that things are going well and I no longer have the need to come out to vent. It was a great blessing to get a concrete diagnosis over what SS9 (now SS10) has, and the fact that he is "in treatment" gives us hope that we will one day be a normal family.

How do husbands deal with disengagement?

aniQ's picture

I can't seem to be able to explain disengagement to DH. He thinks that me being completely disconnected from his childrens' lives is just absurd. He thinks that for us to be a family, we have to act as if we are one. I should be the person I've been (cleaning lady, cook, maid etc... for his children) and be a part of their lives. He thinks that otherwise he feels that he has two families. One with them and one with me. I said: "DUH!!! That's the point! I don't wanna be a part of this family. I wanna have MY OWN family with you." He's not convinced...

One day at a time...

aniQ's picture

A lot of you have read my story before. About six months ago SS9 said at school that I had hit him and child services came upon us. It wasn't true, but that didn't keep anyone from hating me. SS9 also said that I had made him eat vomit, I had thrown his clothes out of the window and that I continued to hit him every time they are at my house. He assured child services that he was 100% scared for his life and that he didn't want to come to my house.