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HungryEyes's Blog

DH seems a little upset - what do you think?

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We've been talking about buying a home at the end of the year. Okay, DH has been pushing for us to buy a home. I'd be happy renting until my bios graduate high school and building a small log cabin with DH but he says we're just throwing money away (Which I can somewhat agree with). He owned a home with BM and this is a big source of pride for him even though it was foreclosed after YSD got sick and BM left him. He literally took me early in our relationship to show it to me and I was like 'This is weird. You used to live with your wife there! Why would you show me that?'

My 7-Year-Old lying BIO and his lying liar hole!

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I'm getting so frustrated with my bio son. He's 7. He's adorable and everyone loves him blah blah blah so the manipulation is strong with this one. My DH calls him on out his bullshit often which I'm glad for and I do as well. My other 2 wouldn't dream of doing some of the things that BS7 tries.

He's gotten into this 'I forgot my homework folder' thing. AT 7! 1st grade.

What would you do? BS(11) and Science Project.

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I'm beyond irritated at my oldest and my ex-husband. My son is in 5th grade and a straight A student and has is book smart but has been coddled by his father's side of the family his whole life. He doesn't behave like a brat, but he's way less independent than the younger bios. All in all, though, BS11 is a good kid. He never talks back. He does his chores without any lip. He's afraid of getting in trouble and so he never gives me any issues, whatsoever. Until this week.

Update to MIL's visit...

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I wrote yesterday with full on anger and was pissed off all day about Mother-In-Law's blatant favoritism toward skids and making my bios feel badly. DH text me during the day and said he noticed her behavior and it bothered him. He apologized for it. I told him I would not plan things for my sons with her again. He said he understood.

I'm not going to make it without blowing up...

HungryEyes's picture

I have bios so I get it. And mine are not perfect by any stretch. Kids will try to find ways to get things. The difference in my bios is that I call them on their bullshit right away. And skids are left to do whatever they want with no correction. They are with us for two weeks. The first week was great. They were good and independent and wonderful. Then MIL comes to town for a week to stay at our house and I'm wondering if I'll survive it.

Step-parenting is so unnatural and depressing...

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I'm going to boo-hoo for just a second. Skids are spending their 2 week Spring Break with us. They live a few states south of us. The court order is never followed. They just come whenever and I stopped caring about that a long time ago. But I was sitting in a restaurant last night with them at dinner and I found myself incredibly jealous of all the nuclear families around us. How nice it is to just... be a traditional family. Parents who care as much about the children's well being and future as the other.

One of the saddest SM/Skids stories I've ever heard... and probably common.

HungryEyes's picture

I was talking to another manager who had a few days off this week here in the office. She's salt-of-the-Earth and wonderful. She was telling me about the funeral so had last weekend.

The man who died is a neighbor of hers for 20 years or so. My friend had been helping take care of him and his wife (She's early signs of dementia at 80 and he was 85.) They would go and visit them each night and make sure they had groceries or see if they needed anything.

The "Ours Baby" Question

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The only thing I know… is that I don’t KNOW! Maybe you guys could help me clarify my thought process on the possibility of an Ours Baby.

When we first started dating, before I knew I would ever marry him, I told him I would probably want to have more children. And he agreed that he would too.

But then, the BM drama and the fighting her for 2 years and court and seeing DH back down to BM SO many times and I thought ‘No way would I have a child with him. I love him. He’s a great husband, but no. I can’t have a child with him.’
