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how many of you pay support to a skid/kid that lives with their bf/gf?

12yrstepmonster's picture

It appears that SD might move in with her bf at the end of the summer. Do we pay support to her????????

She will be 20 and in school fulltime (and we live in one of those states that you pay until 21). But in my's a a hell NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anyone out there experienced this?


12yrstepmonster's picture

My issue (imo), you are then an ADULT and not a child.

CO doesn't say. We paid education until she screwed up and BM cut her off (still shocked but not complaining). BM did make it clear during a joint conversation that living on her own was just that. No help. But saying it and doing it are two different things. It would be easy to demand that dad continue supporting at 57% and that is a little scary.

State law says it continues

while: under a parents care........

TO me that knocks her out of care. If we are mandated to pay support to SD then I hope we can force BM to as well. I have told my ODD 18 that at the point in time that she wants to live with her BF, then she is no longer a kid and it is not a parents responsibility to put food on her table, pay for her insurance, phone, car repairs, or auto insurance.
If you play grown ups- then be grown up.

Yme's picture 18 and until they graduated HS thats it......NO WAY should a parent have to pay child support to a kid who is living with someone else (shacking)....WHAT bio parents that have stayed together write their 20 yr old a check and hand it to them every month?? Saying I burthed you now I will pay for you til your 21????? I know I wouldnt!!
Can understand if they were in college and living in the dorm ....but NOT just to move out and live with BF or GF......
Ck with the court....

12yrstepmonster's picture

OH, we will be revisiting. But like before, I gather up as much info as possible and go to the lawyers with him. His attorney said we couldn't establish a minimum accepted GPA for parental contribution. I found it in the state law that not only can we but we should. BM apparently was livid and didn't think it necessary until SD screwed a whole semester up.

SD pays for schooling after her screw up (but she also has a tuition paid scholarship)- and the total cut off was from BM.

SO when the time comes we need to know:
Who is paying for housing?
Who is paying for other expenses? Car insurance, gas money, medical, dental,

I don't think that BM is for this. She likes the BF, but I think she wants SD to wait until after school is done. By emancipating her if it doesn't work out she is done. SO is there a way not to emancipate her- but stop support if she isn't living at BM's?

Another problem is this:
if we continue support. Courts give support based on the number of kids, does SD get the most money since she is first? And then BM gets less for SS because he was born second? OR do we get totally reamed and each get treated as first born kids?

simifan's picture

I think especially if there is another child, you need to look at officially emancipating SD & modifying support for the younger child.