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Help- I don't like my step I a bad person?

Blended Family Issues I thought that after 5 years of being a step mum I would find a way to bond with my two step kids (boy 13 and girl 10), but it just gets harder and harder. It certainly doesn't help that I am older than my husband and my bio kid ...

Reluctant Step Mum - 07/21/2009 - 5:47am - 330 comments

Why do I hate the EX so much

General Discussion I don't know why but i really hate this woman. She is difficult to talk to she screams and yells and throw things if she does not get her way. (like when she tool my husband back for more money and she was caught in a couple of lie ...

papergirl31128 - 06/29/2006 - 12:53pm - 187 comments
