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Bio Mom wants to send 10 YO son to Military School

WillThereBeTequila's picture

Hi! I'm new here. You know that cliche"between a rock and a hard place"? Well, that is my life. My relationship is really complicated (they're still getting divorced) and I am not technically a stepmom yet...but my partner and I have been together 2 years.  And, because his ex/BM is a completely unstable person, our relationship is not known to his kids. If it was, she would take him (and by extension us) for everything he has, keep the kids away, and more. It would be ugly. So we wait...

Backstory, my partner has a 11YO D and 10 YO S. D has ADHD (like her dad) and S has behavior problems, but he is also VERY smart. He's being tested for the gifted programs in the next couple weeks and everyone, including me, believes he will be moved up a grade or two. According to my partner, S has had behavior issues since he was a toddler and he would lose his shit for no reason, all the time, especially when asked or told to do something. (I will add that he grew up in a very toxic enviornment. Their marriage was voliatle, *lots* of fighting and toxicity, largely from her. My partner had his role in it too, but those things obviously had an effect on his kids.) S is still like this. S doesn't listen to his BM at all, ever, for any reason. She can barely get him to brush his teeth. He is defiant to her and to staff members at day care. (He goes to the YMCA  and is unfortunately there instead of school bc of Covid.) However, he always listen to Dad. He does argue, but he listens and does what he is told and is a 97% of the time very enjoyable, funny, smart kid. This is not what BM or staff members get from him. In fact, he has been so much "trouble" that today he was offiically kicked out of his daycare center forever. (This is unfortunate for them obviously.)

He was supposed to change his environment (per therapist) and stay with us for the next 3-4 weeks non-stop, not even seeing his mom, to hopefully find causes and be able to implement change. It was going to be tough, but it was what he needed, and I still think, is what he needs. But after today, his mom lost it. My partner had to leave work to get S from her, and she is saying that she is testing him for ADHD but if it is negative, she wants to send him to military school. 

 My partner, nor I, think this is a good solution. He suggested that he take primary custody of S, see if that helps, and BM took it all to mean she is a bad parent etc and said she'd die before she let that happen. you'd rather send your kid away and not deal with him than even let his own dad do it? I am not even his mom and I am out here doing research, advocating for him, trying to help them both understand that other things could be going on and sharing this information with my partner. Often "Gifted" students have issues with anger, boredom, ADHD, anxiety...there are a LOT of reasons he could be struggling -- and instead of fixing the issue and helping him solve the problems, you want to send him away? He's 10. He needs structure, good parenting, encouragement, love, adventure, discipline...not military school. And when you look at his history of being in a negative environment, it makes sense that he would be struggling. And he acts as if he doesn't even mean to misbehave. I just don't think he has that kind of emotional control to understand it, and frankly neither does his BM. 

I told my partner if he wanted to fight this, fight for his kid, that we could do it. It's not what we wanted. Money is tight and they've been doing most of the divorce stuff amicably and inexpensively. A giant custody battle would suck balls. But to me, it would be worth it if you feel like your kid matters and that the issues are worth trying to solve rather than sending him away to be someone else's problem. I said this to him, and he was like "I don't know what to do." I am giving him space to think about it. 

I don't know what I'm looking for or why I am sharing this here. I guess I just needed to vent. I really struggle to understand how someone can just give up on their kid! And worse, how you can give up on him but not want to have better things for him? Is your pride that strong that you would risk his happiness and his future just so you don't have to feel like you're the issue? How is military school for a 10yo better than living with his dad? 

I just don't get it.

Send Tequila 

Edit -- I am not sure where to put this post, so I hope general was okay. 

Harry's picture

Make sure this kid does not fall on you .  That you become the babysitter for DS.  If he's not listening to BM. Do you think you will have a shot at it ? .  No,  future SS will play you against your SO.  You are not married to the BF and have the rights of a babysitter.  Like none. 
This should get you to a have a real good look at BF parenting of FSS . If any 

Hope BM has the money for Military School like $25,000 a year. Or else that not going to work 

ndc's picture

If you and your partner have been together for 2 years, I'm assuming his divorce has been ongoing for at least that long.  If that is the case, how in the world, if it is being done amicably and inexpensively, it it taking that long?  If an amicable divorce takes more than 2 years where you are, I can't imagine how long a custody battle could drag out.  Also, if your relationship isn't and can't be known to the kids, how is your BF going to have his son come live with him and still keep you a secret?

Anyway, I would stay out of it.  Do NOT encourage your BF to fight for primary custody.  He has to want it; he can't be doing it because you are encouraging him to do so.  The SS is not your child, and you will only get hurt if you care more than his parents do.  Let BM and your BF navigate the next steps with SS.  It's hard to watch poor parenting in action, but it will be worse to try to influence the decision.

EveryoneLies's picture

We have SS full time, 100% of the time now, and I can tell you it's probably better (for our mental health) if SS is in military scholol XD

Unfortunately BM of course doesn't have the $ to pay for it and We are not willing to foot that bill either.

Don't, and I repeat, DON'T fight for full custody.

Rags's picture

I am fully supportive of Military School as a viable option for driving academic, athletic, and behavioral performance in kids who require firm external motivation to perform.  My dad went to Military School, I went, my younger brother went (all graduates of the same school) and my SS went, our school had closed by the time he was ready so we chose an amazing Mil School to continue our family tradition.  It was truly transformative for my SS.

That said, The youngest students any Military School (Boarding) will take, gthat I have found, are in 6th grade. I only found two schools that will take 6th grade students.   A number will start at 7th grade but most start at 9th grade.

Thinking that Military School is where kids are abandoned is naive.  I have seen countless times were a stinky, ill behaved, under performing POS kid is dropped off and 6 weeks later when parents and family come for Family Weekend they are in tears when they are greeted by an honor student, sharp, polite, respectful, slim and trim Cadet that they barely recognize.  These schools are incredibly adept at taking in POS crappy kids and spitting out high performance young people in short order.

In my Skid's case he was smarter than his teachers in our local HS and they would not hold him accountable for his academic performance.  I knew from personal experience the solution so we sent him to Military School for his Jr. and Sr. year.  When we attended family weekend 6wks later he had lost 40Lbs, was on the rifle drill team, and had straight As on his first 6week progress reports.

Though he is too young IMHO, Military School might be exactly what your SS needs.

Lifer33's picture

That If the kids don't know about you then you haven't met them? If so I think fighting for custody would be a big mistake. You only have your partners version of events and characters to go on, and his views may or may not be an accurate reality. Once you've got this kid if they turn out to be a nightmare you're stuck with them