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Serious Privacy Issue

Kacelyn's picture

I need advice here. Well probably not advice but more of a verification I responded the correct way. Little background.... My husband and I have been married for 4 yrs. He has 2 grown daughters 33 and 30 (one has two children) I have two children. My son is 24 my daughter is 26. My kids think my husband hung the moon. they have a wonderful relationship. My step daughters however hate me and have from day one. I know how hard it is to accept a new person into their fathers life as I have a step mom myself. But if I had ever treated my step mom the way my step daughters have treated me I probably would not have lived to tell it. Here is what happened.... the 30 yr old stepdaughter and I have been on what you would call a basic respect status for last couple of years. I told her and her sister to their face I do not expect you to like me I know we will never be best buds abd go shopping or anything BUT what is important to me is that your father have a relationship with you and the grandkids. I do not have to be a part of any of that however it would make things easier if we could at least be civil to one another. I told them it is your call. So for last couple years it has been civil. I keep the his grandchild;dren ALOT because my schedule is very flexible. as a matter of fact I kept one for three weeks straight every weekday due to he couldn't go to school. In this 3 weeks we received a call for two foster children which we accepted. NOw having foster kids is tricky..... you have to keep things very private. anyway I now have two foster kiddos and a grandchild every day. NO big deal. My stepdaughter calls one day and wants to take the kiddos to the movies here in town. She didn't ask me she asked her dad (which who had the foster kiddos at the time). I was at work. he said yes.... which is fine except she took her mother and her mothers friend with her (husband ex wife and my husband hates her and she hates him) my step daughter tells her mother who the kids are their names and they are asking the kids all kinds of questions and start looking on social media sites for the parents (at this point I didn't even know the parents name) so on and so forth. All it would take is one phone call for the caseworker to come and get this kids because the privacy issue was broken (her telling her mom and friend and pumping these kids) (I know this because my daughter works at the movies and witnessed every bit of it) I was livid but said nothing because she dropped the kids off at my work. She knew I couldn't make a scene. When my husband found out he blew a gasket.... On his daughter. Now the whole situation has turned into a fiasco because she blames me for telling him. His ex wife would in fact make the call just to hurt him. Now she has snuck into the foster kids classroom at school to see him (she is a social worker btw so she knows all the rules) because he told me when I picked him up from school that she came to see him ...... I am at a loss I f I say something to her it is going to get real ugly again. She already told my husband that he would never see his grandkids again (2nd time she has done this) all because he confronted her.


Dontfeedthetrolls's picture

The person who is a social worker should know better and can be reported. If it is not her case she has no right to be seeing this child in school and checking in them.

I don't know what rules are for foster care. I would report to whoever their case worker is so they know that this has happened. Not sure if the foster kids should have been allowed to go to the movies without their temporary legal guardian but hind sight is 20/20.

StepX2's picture

Exactly. I had foster children and they were not allowed to be left with anyone unless that person was okayed. Such as getting fingerprinted to check for any past criminal activity, any CPS history...a whole bunch of stuff.

Kacelyn's picture

My husband unfortunately wasn't aware that all that had to take place. He thought it was for babysitters and daycares. She however knew and that is why she didn't ask me because she knew my answer. My husband has learned very valuable lessons throughout this fiasco

secret's picture

How would your husband not know? Is it normal practice for only one of the couple in the home to be responsible for foster children? Does your DH not need to be involved in any way?

Kacelyn's picture

He wasn't aware I guess I should say. We are new to fostering the traditional way. We previously did relative care only I am not defending anyone here He just wasn't aware that EVERYONE has to have a background check. He assumed only the sitters and daycare because we never had this come up with the other foster kiddo we had

Acratopotes's picture

Disengage from the adult skids, you will no longer be her free babysitter , never again.
She closed that door.

Report her for interfering in a case which she's not part of with the foster kid's case worker, I think this is unprofessional.

Then simply tell your husband, you will no longer be the free babysitter and you do not want to get involved again, but he's free to see his adult daughters when ever he likes, where ever as long as it's not in your house.

Kacelyn's picture

Funny you mentioned that. She has already lost one high paying federal job already over privacy.

Kacelyn's picture

I have told the caseworker and she said it was not a problem on our part. She understands the difficulty of the situation. I am going to the school today to discuss with them my privacy concern. I have also told my husband I am done. I know he loves his kids and they have put him in a very bad place but he said no they are grown dang women and they can grow up and kick rocks or whatever they choose to do. I will no longer put up with their foolishness. We both have a huge heart and great love for children as the whole family knows and I personally will never get to see his grandkids again I am sure but he will. He will pursue legal action if needed. I never thought being a step parent could be so hard because I have a wonderful relationship with mine Sad

DaizyDuke's picture

Why in the sam hill would BM or her friend, or adult SD for that matter, care that you have foster kids? And care THAT much, that they are searching social media and visiting kid in school??? This makes no sense to me.

DaizyDuke's picture

I'm also not understanding how daughter that works at movie theatre "witnessed" them asking foster kids questions and searching social media? So like they were standing in the concession line waiting for their popcorn and juju beans asking kids loudly who their daddies are and waving their phones around so everyone can see what they are searching for on social media? :?

Please explain this to me.

Kacelyn's picture

Daughter works at the concession area and deliver orders to the customers and yes she heard them asking

Kacelyn's picture

They have nothing better to do with their life I guess. Trying to stir the pot is only thing I can figure out

Kacelyn's picture

They have nothing better to do with their life I guess. Trying to stir the pot is only thing I can figure out

mommadukes2015's picture

It takes a pretty messed up and self centered person to try to mess up a good foster home placement for kids who have clearly already been through enough.

As much as it would suck having fall out consequences for your DH potentially not having as much access to his grandkids, this situation is beyond messed up and him not seeing them would be 100% on SD.

Kacelyn's picture

She knows exactly I had to temper my words with my husband because I was so livid and it is his child but I told him she will never ever do anything remotely close to this again. Needless to say I don't think I have to worry about any of it in the future

Rags's picture

Call the social worker's boss and nail her ass to the wall. She knows better and her actions could very likely get her ass fired.

If you can get her fired... do it. No need to have DH confront her. Let CPS do it.

Thumper's picture

OP I am a parent, former step parent and now a new Granny Wink

To address the threats your step daughter has given HER dad that he will not see his grandchildren anymore.

If my adult kids said that to me that would be the last time they said that. I would hug and kiss the grandchild and OFF my husband and I would go.

I suspect your step daughter has been an ass to her dad for years.

Sorry your going thru this. If cps gets wind of what she did and depending on the Supervisor, she/he could order a removal of the children. Cant say I would not blame them if they did.

Privacy and protection of kids in state custody is paramount. Again so sorry.

I also agree since she is a social worker, she knows the deal.

Kacelyn's picture

Nail on the head. It makes me sick. I told my husband I feel sorry for him for what he has had to deal with. They don't have to like me that is not important. They don't have to speak to me either. I only want him to have a healthy relationship with his kids but I don't even know at this point if that will happen.